Answer with song title! [game]

The video itself being the favorite rather than the song (song’s not bad)
mini W - Two Worlds?

Is art pretentious?


Still such a funny song, even decades later:


Sorry, guys, I have to quit this game. Posting songs is forbidden nowadays. One of my posts from long ago was suddenly removed without any explanation other than “read the guidelines.” It was in another song topic and all that was posted there were a bunch of songs. I don’t remember which ones, but either way, just songs, no written words. And no explanation. So I’m just being accused of something completely unknown to me and the “crime” was committed a long time ago, just because some not so nice person felt the need to flag it.
This will be the last anyone hears from me on Discussions… unless I get a proper explanation.


Hey, I’ve just read your post. NOOOO! :sob: :frowning_face:


What happened? Is it really “against guidelines” to just post songs? It’d be a shame if it is… With the time I have, I’m enjoying this game and checking out some discussions from time to time…

Why don’t you write to Viki’s moderator/staff and find out the underlying reason?

:hugs: :people_hugging:

The Guidelines

I’ve been flagged before, how you respond is key.
I agree with @jadecloud88. Is it that it leaves you confused as to what you can, and cannot post?
FAQ - Viki Discussions


I was randomly accused for posting NOTHING else but a few songs and the post was already old (so could have been removed way earlier if it was that bad). I got no explanation whatsoever and the message came from the bot. I don’t even know which songs were in there. And all because whoever suddenly chose to flag one of my posts. At the very least, the staff member who removed it should have messaged me with a proper explanation instead of letting the “system” randomly accuse me. I feel ATTACKED.


What kind of show do you go for?

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What do you like to listen to the waves of the sea, wind shaking the grass, or …?

@mirjam_465 and others about …


I try to only use videos from channels of the artist(s), labels, TV broadcaster that are verified or stated as such. As Viki wrote somewhere, maybe in the Guidelines not to place links that violate licenses. I don’t know if that is the problem, though. I would make a request as well, you can only change, when you are fully aware of the “mistake”, when being told.


What’s your favorite dance?


Remember this is a public space. Keep the language, links, and images safe for family and friends. -guidelines

That might have been it. At least that was it for my post that got removed.


When is your favorite time/situation you like to dance?

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The video does not meet/satisfy the conditions of the Guide, so it is removed automatically, without details, and here/ there are several possibilities, including: because the private ■■■■■■■■ account associated with this video has been detected with possible fraud, the video is protected by updates to the settings of the private account on ■■■■■■■■ and/or due to the copyright rules, at the request of the right owners; by third parties who believe that they violate at least one of the provisions of the Guide.

The power of words should not be underestimated, nor of the messages in the videos, but above all the frequency of their posting… I hope I will not receive attention, a warning because I wrote without restraint.
P S. However, the Viki staff/moderator should have mentioned the broken rule, this is the golden rule but no one takes it into account. Those who “hunt” these things (they should also be checked) do not necessarily have to play the role of the executioner, people without intention, they still make mistakes that can be corrected…

What motivates you to continue when you encounter obstacles (besides religious beliefs)?

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Song that best encapsulates springtime?


I guess this game has ended… No taker so I am deleting my last answer+question… :face_holding_back_tears:

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The Show must go on!

Players will show up, sometimes the game goes to sleep, or hibernate, but so far, it’s ongoing. Just keep checking back.

There’s this other game just opened by a fan. See if you’re interested.

Game about phrase

frustratedwriter also posted another question, and answer.
Your laugh for the day - #2736 by frustratedwriter

I hope this answers.

What song makes you think of flowers?


@jadecloud88 For summer?
:thinking: You shouldn’t have given up…
I have no idea, that’s all I can think of…

Life in the hustle and bustle of the city or the peace of the countryside ?


What is the dominating color of your hometown, gray, green or colorful?


For who you travel far to meet ?


Cash, Card, or other?


:thinking: … never credit

A celebrity (I don’t remember her/his name , now) said something like “…who says that “money doesn’t bring happiness”…then they didn’t know where to shop”…What other songs remind of money and happiness?

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Name a favorite song from the year you were born.