Avatar button problem

Hello! It seems there is a problem with the avatar button, i can’t access my profile, my settings or even log out (found it out the hard way when i tried to log out from a public pc :frowning: )
I tried different browsers but the problem remains.
Anyone else with the same problem? Any solutions?


I have the same problem. And no solution yet. Maybe it’s an new bug…

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Yes, I do have the same problem. For accessing my profile I go to my private messages right now and click my own name. It takes me to my profile page and I can edit it and so on. For the logout problem: Check your profile picture on top right corner on this site. When you click it, it shows the option logout. Maybe that works.

Just checked and have the same problem. Try typing it in directly. I recommend sending a request to Viki.

A kind girl on viki’s fb page mentioned this:

If you go to the Viki pass page, you can access your back office.https://www.viki.com/pass

It works!

Thanks for the tips, I’ve had this problem for a week now.