Basic words or sentences in your language

Ok, I’ve added those 2 last lines (Excuse me and Check, please) in Korean, too.
We say, “I’m full” a lot because Koreans are very hospitable and they will keep piling food on your table/bowl and they will insist that you eat more. I’ve experienced the same thing in other cultures, too, and I had to learn how to say, “No thank you. I’m full” real quick in their language - not that they will listen to you anyway! :smile:

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dont mind me just keeping some posts up…

I am so proud that i brought the topic food to this place. Food lover over here :joy::joy::joy:


Thank you for that :smile:

What do you all say if we present local food? And I promise I’ll add some recipes and pics

Uuuu good idea. it would be awesome if we could have a topic for that :cold_sweat::cold_sweat:

Lokal food from where you live. Specialities from your culture and if we can the recipes pics and stuff :open_mouth::grinning::raised_hands::ramen::curry::stew:

Then, what are we waiting for?
Here it is:

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Yeayy :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

People who wants to learn some Spanish expressions or want to learn Spanish feel comfortable to tell me, I would be delighted to help you.
My Spanish is the one from Spain, not from some places from South America so if you like to learn this type of Spanish tell me.
Hope you reply me :slight_smile:



There is hungarian basic sentences:

Hello: Szia.( To answer the phone we use “Hallo?” or „Igen?”. )
How are you?: Hogy van? / Hogy vagy?

My name is Szandra.: A nevem Szandra. (Szandrának hívnak.)
Thank you : Köszönöm.

Good Morning: Jó reggelt!
Good Afternoon: Jó napot!
Good Evening: Jó estét!
Good Night! Jó éjszakát!

Yes: Igen
No: Nem
Hi: Szia
Good: Jó
I don’t know: Nem tudom
You are welcome: Üdvözlöm.
I don’t understand: Nem értem.
Nice to meet you: Üdvözlöm./Üdvözöllek.
Good bye: Viszontlátásra./ Viszlát.

Where are you from: Honnan jött? / Honnan jöttél?
What’s your name: Mi a neve? (Hogy hívják?) / Mi a neved? (Hogy hívnak?)
I love you: szeretlek
fool: Bolond
1,2,3: Egy, kettő, három
nothing: semmi
what: mi
why: miért
when: amikor, mikor
who: ki
how: hogy, hogyan, mennyi
where: hol, hova, honnan
because: mert
of course: természetesen, persze
Please repeat: Kérem ismételje meg. / Kérlek ismételd meg.

You’re welcome Tessék.
No problem Nem baj.
I’m from … …-ból jöttem.
I like (this) Szeretem (ezt)
I don’t like (this) Nem szeretem (ezt)
I’m hungry Éhes vagyok.

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Here are some in Portuguese (from Portugal):

Hello: Olá
How old are you?: Quantos anos tens?
My name is…: O meu nome é…
Nice to meet you: Prazer em conhecer-te
I’m from…: Eu sou de…

Yes: Sim
No: Não

One, two, three: Um, dois, três

What?: O quê?
Why?: Porquê?
When?: Onde?
Who?: Quem?

I’m learning portuguese: Estou a aprender português
How do you say … in portuguese?: Como se diz … em português?
I didn’t understand: Não percebi
Can you repeat that, please?: Podes repetir, por favor?

Goodbye: Adeus

Portuguese is the coolest language EVER: Português é a língua mais fixe de SEMPRE

(yes, that last one was totally necessary everyone wants to know how to say that in portuguese)


There are a lot of special characters and letter combos ( so it might be hard to get the pronunciation right… If you’re curious paste them in google translate and listen :slight_smile:
Some of the phrases may have different forms, in those cases I’ll be using the 1 person speaking to 1 person form.

  • Good morning = Dzień dobry
  • Good evening = Dobry wieczór
  • Hi! = Cześć!
  • Welcome! = Witaj!
  • What’s your name? = Jak masz na imię?
  • My name is… = Mam na imię…
  • Nice to meet you = Miło cię poznać
  • How are you? = Jak się masz?
  • Good. And you? = Dobrze. A ty?
  • I don’t speak Polish that well. = Nie mówię za dobrze po polsku.
  • Where is…? = Gdzie jest…?
  • Please = Proszę
  • Thank you = Dziękuję
  • You’re welcome = Nie ma za co
  • I love you = Kocham cię
  • I’m sorry / Excuse me = Przepraszam
  • Bye! = Pa!
  • Goodbye! = Do widzenia!
  • Good night! = Dobranoc!
  • yes / no = tak / nie (also some people may be confused when they hear a Polish person saying no and they find out they were actually saying yes / agreeing - no is indeed an informal way of saying yes)
  • I don’t know = Nie wiem
  • I don’t understand = Nie rozumiem
  • Where are you from? = Skąd jesteś?

2 of my favourite tongue twisters as a bonus :smiley:

  • W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie (In the town of Szczebrzeszyn a beetle buzzes in the reeds).

  • Szedł Sasza suchą szosą, bo gdy susza szosa sucha. (Sasha was walking down the dry road, because during the drought the road is dry)


Español (Spanish):

  • Hello: Hola
    -How are you?= Cómo estás? (informal)
    -My name is= Mi nombre es…
    -Thank you= Gracias
    -Nice to meet you= Mucho gusto, or, gusto en conocerte
    -Bye= Adiós.


  • Hello= Oi (Brasil), olá (Portugal)
  • My name is= Meu nome é… (Brasil), Eu chamo-me…(Portugal)
    -How are you? = Como está você? (Brasil), Como estás? (Portugal informal)
    -Thank you= Obrigado (Masc.) Obrigada (Fem)
    -Nice to meet you= Muito Prazer

Thanks for correcting :smiley:
“kommen” is wrong… -.- I wanted to write “komme”
many ways to say something :wink: smile:

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Portuguese: (it’s brazillian portuguese)

  • Hello = Olá, oi
  • How are you? = Tudo bem? Como vai você?
  • My name is Diane. = Meu nome é Diane.
  • Thank you = Obrigada (for girls) Obrigado (for boys).

wow it’s totally different, from the old greek…

Yes, you can!

I see Malay is missing here so I’m just gonna add it in! :smile:


  • How are you? = Apa khabar?
  • I’m fine thanks = Khabar baik
  • My name is Shyan = Nama saya/aku Shyan (formal/informal)
  • Thank you = Terima kasih
  • You’re welcome = Sama-sama
  • I’m sorry = Minta maaf/Maaf (full form/short form)
  • Yes = Ya
  • No = Tidak
  • Welcome to Malaysia = Selamat datang ke Malaysia
  • Good morning = Selamat pagi
  • Good noon(so to speak) = Selamat tengah hari
  • Good afternoon/evening = Selamat petang
  • Good night = Selamat malam
  • Goodbye = Selamat tinggal

Hehe, it’s actually pretty close to Indonesian sometimes. X) In case anyone noticed the similarities and wanted to ask. Oh, also, I’m not sure if there’s an actual “hello” in BM.

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I like this :smile:


  • Hello = Hello (No offical translation)
  • How are you? = Kamusta ka?
  • My name is Christine = Ako si Christine
  • Thank you = Salamat

Here’s some American English from New England. Specifically, Boston and Greater Boston:

-Hello = Hey
-How are you? = How ah yah?
-What’s your name? = Who ah you?
-What’s new/What’s up? = 'Sup?

  • I’m fine = I’m good
  • Thank you = Thanks
  • You’re welcome = No problem
  • I’m sorry = I’m wicked sorry
    -That’s really nice/That’s really great = That’s wicked pissah
  • Goodbye = Latah (“later” with long a sound on the first a)
  • Beer = Bee ah
  • Here = Hee ah
  • Weird = Wee uhd

Remember to always replace “r” with the sound of “ah” and add “r” to the end of words that end in vowels (unless the vowel is silent or the word ends in an “o”). If an “o” is in the middle of a word, pronounce is “aw”. Use the word “wicked” as a modifier/intensifier as often as possible, and never pahk yah cah in Hahvahd Yahd because you’ll get towed.


Gosh this is so interesting to read. English truly has many varieties