Challenge to Korean learners

The words weren’t so bad. I added 15 new ones per day and I had them in about 2 months, I couldn’t do it in a month my brain would sizzle. . . also reviewing them took a lot more time than I expected

Technically. . . My goal was to have a conversation in 3 months. It was shaky and they had to repeat themselves and speak slowly, but I did it!

This time I have a test in Korean I need to pass, so I have 2 months to make sure I know everything that a college student would know in the first 2-3 years.

It sounds like you have studied Korean. If you don’t mind me asking, what would you say your level is?

Ah I see… but it’s cool that you achieved your goal :smile:
Oh a test in Korean… if you need to know as much as a college student would know in 2-3 years (college student who studies Korean??) then I guess that’s quite a lot…
Well I haven’t really studied Korean (yet) but before I knew any Korean words, I thought it’d be fun to try learning Hangeul and after that I just read what other people wrote, so I learnt quite a lot because of that… and dramas…
I did have small conversations with Korean people… so I guess… advanced beginner? If a level like that exists… XD

I too have been trying to learn Korean for the last 2 years, and nothing has stuck. I believe it’s because the subtitles are offered to the shows that I watch, that my eyes and ears magically hear English instead of the language…does that make since. I’ve tried my best (I think) and it’s a nightmare. I love the dramas and can’t seem to pull myself away from them. I even purchase the MBC America channel via ATT U-verse, but as of May 4, 2015 MBC America will no longer provide subtitles for it’s shows…so now I am at a crossroads…either truly learn the language so I can continue to watch the dramas or give up the Korean dramas and go back to American television only.

I wish there was a way to make the language stick so that when I hear it being spoken at a pace I speak my own native tongue, it computes in my mind and I know what they are saying instantly. Anyways, I like your post, and will check out your vocabulary list.

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I think a good way to remember words that you learnt, is by speaking the language that you’re learning a lot. I realise that I often know a word in a certain language when I read it, but can’t remember it when I’m speaking or writing. So if you try to use the language a lot in real situations instead of just listening and reading stuff, you’ll be able to remember things a lot better. I think. But the problem might be trying to find someone to talk to and having enough confidence to speak.

If you are interested in learning Korean phrases or vocabularies from TV dramas, give a try. It’s pretty cool website where Korean native speakers teach you short vocabulary from Youtube videos. It has save functions that allow you to keep track of words and vocabs that you intend to memorize and test them.

I’m Korean and have made some videos with kdrama for helping Korean learners.
I’m searching what kind of videos youguys need to study Korean?
let me know them to plan new series.

i put my default keyboard in Korean IME so all i have to do is press right alt to switch back and forth