Download video with subtitles

Hi People:)
So glad I found this site. Its really so good to experience PEACE. People watching foreign movies by reading the subtitles.
I am dying to know if I can download the videos with the subtitles?? The internet connection that I have is impossible to watch a video streaming. Just too many lagging and stops:(
I am able to download and watch the video when it finishes but the subtitle is missing. I guess the subtitle is not embedded into the movie.
In case anyone has any idea how I can download the video and subtitle…I would appreciate if you can share your solution.

Thank you and happy watching your favorite video. Cheers

I don’t think you can download the video with the subtitles. Unless… the video is already hardsubbed.

Downloading the videos are not possible. Not in a legal and clean way. Viki is spending money to put the videos online because they want them to be legal. And it’s the community of people like me who sub the videos. It’s hard to see people asking this question!
So no, I’m sorry that your connexion is slow, but videos should never be downloded from here, in any way, except if Viki distribute it in a way or another.

i didnt download a movie from here but from another website, but i am also looking for a subtitled one?

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