Go Back Couple Has Been Completely Butchered By Censorship!

Changing scenes/songs was nothing unusual for Western versions of anime in the past. I can’t tell how it is today, since when internet & fan subs became more popular I started watching mostly fan subs but before when anime were broadcasted by TV stations in synced version you often get either a complete different song or a somewhat “series” song in your own language but not in any case with the same rhythm & melody.

Famous example:

origin opening/intro:


other areas:



We also only get a % version of Red Cliff since they kept the battle scenes but cut most of the story scenes so that’s not really something new with the cutting/changing of scenes for Western audience.

Your example with Game of Thrones and Stranger Things doesn’t fit since it’s USA => Europe = all Western areas. Better think about it in the way, e.g. World of Warcraft has its own Chinese version with undeads without visible bones etc.

They may also change things from Western movies/TV shows, we probably just don’t know it since it doesn’t affect us.


Depending on the content e.g. violence, we’d also have altered versions of Western/US movies/shows & games in Germany. Many old/er “cult” movies used to be only shown as “cut/edited” version on TV.

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They didn’t take away Viki’s rights to license it. It is an SBS drama so naturally it would be on Kocowa.


I thought it was irritating to watch Stron Woman Do Bo Soon and the music is changed (for copyright reasons) but to have whole scenes missing!! I woudn’t want to see that.

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What is amazing to me is that anyone would remember all the scenes of the drama. I’ve also watched it, not a long time ago, and I’m sure I wouldn’t have noticed.
Oh well, maybe it’s because you’re still young!

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i also wouldn’t know which scenes were changed .__.

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Speaking of anime, I’m fairly certain that no other show on this planet has been as censored as Pokémon. From the removal of the character Ambertwo in Mewtwo Strikes Back to entire episodes like The Legend of Dratini, they made sure to erase any cultural or sensitive references. It’s crazy when you discover that your childhood memories are a lie. Fortunately, the Internet came to my rescue, so I was able to fill in the gaps. I really do recommend The Legend of Dratini. It’s one of those rare episodes that made me cry. Just search for it on dailymotion if you haven’t watched it already.

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The out-of-sync subs are a dead giveaway. When you remove scenes, obviously, the episode is shortened. As you all know, subs are created on a timeline, with hours, minutes and seconds. When you cut from that timeline, the subs no longer sync up with the intended scenes.

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No. The out-of-sync subs are a problem which has been going on for a couple of months now. It affected many shows, and Viki is slowly working on it. Nothing to do with cutting scenes.

On the other hand, once, in Beethoven Virus, there was some glitch with a scene from another episode wrongfully inserted to an episode it didn’t belong. We asked Viki for help and they fixed everything without even one subtitle going out of sync. Our work was preserved in its totality.

So if this is your only evidence of scenes being cut, it’s no good proof. If you remember a scene and it isn’t there, then it’s a different matter.

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You know me, I tend to overreact, but I don’t make things up. This is censorship. How can I prove it? Well, the Viki Community prides itself on subbing not just the dialogue, but also the lyrics to the background music. They are shown between musical notes to stand out. :notes: You can’t miss them.
Imagine my surprise then when I saw them on screen without any music or completely changed tracks. If this had been just a sub bug, the music would have eventually started playing. It never did, or something else did. Is the video player broken too? Karaoke scenes are especially annoying since they don’t sing along to the actual tunes.

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In that case, you should take this to Help and support. It’s a good show, and it’s a pity that it has problems like that.

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I’m currently watching Radiant, but I just can’t wrap my brain around it. Han Ji Min’s character is struck by a rather horrible affliction, yet her parents never do anything. They just let her sulk in her room. The mother cries, sure, and she busts down the door eventually, but she never takes her to a specialist, you know, someone who might know a thing or two about this condition. It’s not like they know about that weird watch, either. Their child is sick. With this in mind, shouldn’t they seek immediate help? Wouldn’t you? I don’t get it. Have I missed something? I don’t feel motivated to continue and find out (I’m at episode 3).

I’m having the same issue with “The Undateables”, too. Everything under the sun is censored plus all modern English background songs have been replaced with jazz, yet the subtitles for the songs remain. Very odd when there’s jazz music replacing an upbeat song and everyone is bopping to something slow.


So i have a question related to censorship.
I’m currently watching Reply 1988, and in this version of the Reply series I’m seeing a lot of blurring that I did not encounter in the previous two editions, be it when the TV is shown on screen, or the camera pans past a wall, and actually they blurred out a book title, which was really odd… what is the cause of all this blurring?

The next kind of censorship this show has relates to smoking and drinking, is this a Korean thing, or did Viki censor the actual cigs/booze that a person is holding, even when no words are present? This is the funniest type of censorship, because you’ll see this blur attached to a hand as it goes towards the face, and in some shows if a person blows out the smoke, the actual smoke is blurred.

And finally, weapons… Why do knives get blurred, but not guns?

thanks for the help!


I found this article but it still don’t explain why censor a scene that is part of the story plot. I’m guessing they will promote this things by letting the viewers see this things (knives, cigarettes, tattoo etc…)but out in the streets people see worst things so I don’t see this as making sense at all. I guess the Government controls and restrict those things on TV.


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It’s OK to show swords used to massacre others, but it’s definitely wrong to show knives. Ehhh… Sure, fine, whatever. :roll_eyes:

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Reply 1988 is heavily censored. Viki blurred out music video/ads/programs that were showing on the TV and posters in the drama (which sometimes are part of the plot, but you understand nothing since it is all blurred out) because of copyright issues, but this is only on Viki. The drama was airing in a local television station in my country and they blurred nothing.


I was Chief Editor and All Languages Moderator on The Go Back Couple and have done a check on the channel – Every episode is at 100% except for Episode 5 which is missing one line of some students chanting something at a school festival. I don’t see anything missing!
Could you please be more specific as to Episode and location where you suspect something has been removed? After we start subbing anything, if viki staff remove anything, it is invariably at the broadcaster’s request. Viki staff informs us of the location where subs have been removed. And the volunteer subs are saved at the very end of the subtitles which can only be seen by team members. The subs are kept there until I ask that they be removed. So volunteer work does not disappear without notice.
The most frequent reason we lose subs is that background music may be violating copyright but those are pretty rare nowdays. Often the broadcaster removes the music and substitutes the OST written for the drama which we then sub. But as I said, this is pretty uncommon nowadays. Once in a great while the KCC files a complaint about a specific scene so the broadcaster re-shoots the scene and inserts a new scene. Viki staff inform us of the change and we sub the new scene.
From the time I started at viki 10 years ago to now, it is a very very very rare event now to have the KCC censor something on a K Drama. Ten years ago there might have been a penalty over some sort of product placement or a scene in which a mother in law is mercilessly beating her daughter in law and the daughter in law in self defense strikes back – these were seen in the past as failing to show respect to an elder but this type of censorship does not happen anymore. Actually, sometimes I wish the KCC would crack down on the incessant product placement for Subway (just kidding).


re: Reply 1988
I am the channel manager and chief Editor on Reply 1988. So far as I know, there was nothing changed from the original version (which was broadcast in the USA on a now defunct site) and the viki version which was uploaded about 6 months after the original broadcast. We were super fortunate to receive a complete transcript of every episode – the most complete script of a K drama I have ever had the privilege to view. The transcript was prepared post broadcast and contained the titles and artists of even of most of the incidental background music as well as the custom OST songs. The transcript was so complete, here and there would be a note in Korean “unintelligible”. Other people on the internet created lists of all the background music so we could easily compare if anything were missing.
When there are accusations of “censorship”, please question why would viki removed content? As someone intimately involved in the production and edition of the English subtitles I can see no reason to censor the drama.
If anything is out of sync now, please tell me the episode number. If a whole episode is out of sync, tech support usually repairs it when I tell them the number of seconds to move the subs.

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I remember in When You Were Sleeping, she was singing and dancing in her bathroom to some music, but then the music was changed to something else because of copyright reasons?

Scene in Reply 1988 were not removed. We mean that scenes where blurred out. Like Shows/ads/music videos the characters are watching on TV.