Guess the drama by emoji

:white_check_mark: :rofl: Yes! You did it! Bravo! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

I guess I needed a bit better emoji structure.

:+1:Good work!:+1:

The bot goes out of sync for finding shows.

Most definitely.

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honestly , i got it from the hint not the emojis lol
they don’t find anything, imagine, they only listed 18 Chinese movies on the page. i’m 100% sure that there is much much more.

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I think it’s safe to say that @mary19c11 is the queen of this game. But seriously, I’ll just be staring at these, but you get the answer so fast. Hahaha! Good job! :smile:

Since I seem to be a bit better at creating the emojis, I’ll participate that way. In the spirit of this comment and as a hint, let’s do some “king” and “queen” ones:

  1. :crown: :desert_island: (You know what? I just realized these emojis could have one more variation other than the first one I thought of, so I challenge you guys to try and guess both. :joy: As a hint, one of the variations does not have “king” or “queen” in it. The crowd is a bit metaphorical in that one.)
  2. :crown: :ring:
  3. :man: :crown:

It could be “Castaway Diva”? :thinking:

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Easy one. :wink:
C-drama: (Here on Viki)

:crown: :fire: (3 words, 1st start with K)

└⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┐⁠♪♪⁠┌⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┘⁠♪ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

And my answer is (⁠*⁠❛⁠‿⁠❛⁠)⁠→ :point_down:t5:

Two C-drama guesses:

Three K-drama guesses:

@mas4 has one guess, I’m sure it’s correct. My Guess is:


That answer have more sense that mine :face_with_peeking_eye:


Ha! I’m guessing 100% :laughing:

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you could both be right. :slight_smile:

  1. Mr. Queen?
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Yea, she did say there were two answers. :blush::blush:

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Yep! One of the options is “Castaway Diva” for the first one. :smile:

Yep! That’s the second option. I was inspired by my own answer in the other game. Hahaha! It’s “King the Land”. :smile:

Correct for number 3 as well!

For number 2 here’s a hint: It’s a K-Drama. It was part of a series of several K-Dramas. A trilogy, to be more accurate. :smile:

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The King of Blaze? :smile:

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Yes! Correct! :grinning: :white_check_mark:

See! You can guess too, after all! :smile:

@mas4, @mary19c11,
I tried with five guesses :joy::joy: Your turn!:four_leaf_clover::rofl:


K-drama: (Here on Viki)

:crown: :clown_face: (:wink: 3 words :face_with_hand_over_mouth: So easy.)

K-movie: (Used to be here on Viki)

:crown: :clown_face: (5 words, 1st start with T :wink::four_leaf_clover::face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

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  1. The Crowned Clown
  2. The King and the Clown

:+1: :100:% Correct! For both! :smiley: :white_check_mark:

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Queen of the Ring


Yay! I finally guessed one! :smile:

You got it! :smile:


C-drama: (Here on Viki)

  • :princess::business_suit_levitating:t2: (2 words, 2nd starts with A)

  • :classical_building: :female_sign: (2 words, 2nd starts with L)

C-drama: (Used to be here on Viki)

  • :disguised_face: (2 words, 2nd starts with D)

  • :four: :boy:t2: (5 words, 1st start w/T Peking is in the title)

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  1. Princess Agents
  2. Court Lady
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