Guess the drama by emoji

Wowowow, I only could remember “chocolate” :sob::rofl:

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Oooh, I like this idea. It sounds like a lot of fun. We could also try the famous “Describe a drama badly (in a boring way) and have people try to guess it” at some point if you guys want. It’s a very popular game in the book community and always a blast. The plot in emojis randomly reminded me of that game too. :joy:

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Yep, it is, I’m trying to find a hard one
Wait a second haha


Did anyone get this one yet? I got a bit lost in the comments. Hahaha! But in case nobody had, is it perhaps “Hello, Me”?


Guess this one,haha

An immortal with a penchant for hats befriends a reaper with a tragic past and they throw shade at each other while chasing the afterlife.


Another game, I love it!
How about this one:


is it law cafe?


The Law Cafe?


Ooooh, this sounds so familiar… Also, I absolutely love the plot summary. Amazingly done. :joy:

Probably a longshot, but it’s not “Mystic Pop-Up Bar”, is it?

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Yes, you’re right!


Well, you are close. The concept is similar and one actor is in both dramas.


That was an easy one I guess. I have to step up my game :laughing:

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i’m lost, what are we playing now? emoji or describe badly or describe badly with emojis?

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Wait a minute… It’s not “Goblin”, is it? (Fair warning, I have NOT seen it and I’m just going off random stuff I’ve heard in the community. :joy:)

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It is :laughing:

The original game. I just wanted to give the plot summary a try. We can have another topic for plot summary
@annabanana128 you can try creating one.


I don’t mind, i just saw that [feyfayer] put emojis with bad description caption so i was confused, should i guess these emojis or is a bad description?


Another one:
:blush: :running_woman::eyes:

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This game is a little bit harder to follow and keep track of who has guessed what and which ones have been solved.

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We can both it (It’s a bit late where I am, so I have now started referencing random memes, wow). Might help us in guessing, though. Hahaha!

Let me give it a try. So, both the emojis and explanations are for the same drama.

Plot description: Arrogant pretty boy badly and cluelessly chases after girl with no interest in him, failing again and again, and eventually, somehow, succeeds.

Emojis: :star: :evergreen_tree:

(Okay, so as it turns out, I thought the emojis would be easier to find and would actually exist, but I had to adapt, so now it’s also “describe it badly with emojis”, instead of the emojis making it easier. Hahaha! Anyway, the star is not a star. I’ll give the word “fall” for a hint for the star. And the tree is not a tree, but where you can find a tree and other plants, but is not a park or a forest. I hope these vague hints help. Good luck on this, guys. I think I personally would not have gotten it. I hope you do better than me. :joy:)