Is there anything you hate about that Korea gets so popular now?

My question is not only about if you hate something about that Korea becomes so famous right now, but if you love a thing about it than you can coment about this aswell.

Today for me it was a bit weird: I was walking trought a bigger German city (around 500,000 people live there…) and a girl run into me who was wearing a light blue jeans jacket with the BTS-Logo on it and than she noticed me. Looked really shortly at me and it felt like if she noticed that I was wearing my BTS-hoodie and than she jumped into the next escalator like if she was scared of seeing me or something. Later I saw some Korean tourists who stared at me for some seconds but than they run away in the moment, as I went near to them in a store to order some food. Later as I went back to the train statin there was different guys playing piano and one guy played “wedding dress” by Taeyang and than as some Asians walked near to the piano that guy jumped off the seat and told his riend to switch the genre, cause he is allways scared when Asians watch him playing Asian songs on the piano in publik^^ and as I got a seat in the train to drive back home I saw some girls around maybe 15 years old who noticed me and than one of this girls yelled at her friend that she knows someone called “Jimin” who got popular but she didn’t only yelled in the face of her friend, no she yelld a bit in my direction while she was yelling at her friend… It was kinda confusing^^

I like it that many more people start to like Korea/Korean music, but some people are toooo much or they behave a bit weird when they notice that someone else knows or likes Korea/KPop too…

What is your opinion on this topic and how are you feeling? Is it toooo much in your opinion or do you hate that many more people start to like Korea/Kpop ? Please let me know :slight_smile:

So far the only thing that annoyed me was when Psy’s Gangnam Style was popular everyone was doing the dance moves and the people who knew I listen to Kpop etc where like “so this is what you listen too!” etc. I actually don’t like Gangnam Style but I like some other songs by Psy but no one was interested in those and if they where interested in learning more about Kpop they where only interested in getting to know Psy better. And when I go to a Kpop concert “ohh will Psy be there?” ehh no!

Ohh and sometimes the young girls who aare so into one band and can’t stop talking about it and say the most crazy stuff but that’s more cute then annoying… it get’s annoying when they don’t look further then the current popular bands. Like at Kcon in Paris there where some BTS fans who thought FT Island where rookies for some reason while there where FTIsland banners everywhere to celebrate their 9th anniversary. You can even see some of those banners in Hwayugi but they edited them…LOL


was bin ich froh, dass hier in der Kleinstadt niemand k Pop und so weiter großartig kennt.
aber zu meinen Stuttgart zeiten hast du eher j rock fans gehabt


What’s there to hate ? Let’s all jump on the Korean wave, I say. Our combined passion for Kdrama, Kpop and Korean culture in general is sure to bring everyone together in peace, harmony and love. #Peace #Love #Harmony #Kpop #Kdrama

I actually did make some nice acquaintances due to merchandise, so I don’t mind it becoming popular. Maybe that way people will learn, not every song is like Gangnam Style. Although one friend really yelled way to loud in the middle of McD. “Look that girl is wearing a hoody from (not sure which band it was)”. I don’t quite understand why people would avoid others, just 'cause there are wearing merchandise, especially if it’s the same group/band/artist.
People listening to KPop, not knowing FT Island at all though seem really weird.


@kuraimegami it is more weird as some months ago a girl came up to me and litteraly said: “Do you know Girl’s Generation?” Like if this wasn’t the group every KPop-fan knows…

@teufelchen_netty_266 Ich kenne eine, naja nicht persönlich aber die geht mir total auf die Nerven, wenn ich die schon sehe, denn wie kommt man auf die Idee jeden Fan-Merch den man hat auf einmal zu tragen. Die hatte einen dünnen Pulli einer Band an. Darüber ein T-Shirt einer anderen Band und darüber eine dünne Jacke einer wiederum anderen Band und oben drüber eine Bomberjacke einer weiteren Band und dann hatte die noch einen Jutebeutel dabei von der Band, von der sie auch die Bomberjacke an hatte und sie hielt den Beutel so, das ich dachte, ob die nicht vor hat, das jeder auf den Ollen Beutel gucken soll, nur damit die sehen, das da ein Bandlogo drauf ist, das die sicherlich alle nicht kennen… Naja ist zwar eine der bekanntesten Japanischen Bands gewesen, aber dennoch ist hierbei die Chance geringer, das jemand aus Deutschland die Band erkennen würde, als wenn das eine KPop-Gruppe gewesen währe…

@thegazettechan ich find solch gehabe allgemein assi. ich meine… ich hab auch gezette chucks, sgar mit Autogramm… aber ich hab die nie angehabt… meien band t Shirts liegen saber gefaltet im schrank, damit sie ja ganz bleiben. k Pop zeug hab ich gar keines, weil zu teuer und ich ebenso nie nach Korea kommen werden… aber so angeben und es zur schau stellen (MIT ABSICHT)… irgs -.-

@teufelchen_netty_266 Also naja Preislich geht das, kommt aber halt drauf an was man kauft und wo. Habe mir neulich einen Rucksack und eine CD bei Deabak (einem Deutschen Onlineshop sogar mit Ladengeschäft in Frankfurt) bestellt, Naja eigentlich super Schade um den Rucksack, weil mir ein Träger gerissen ist und ich den Rucksack so soso unendlich geil finde (mit dem Logo von iKON drauf), aber ich werde mal gucken wo ich das reparieren lassen kann oder ich muss versuchen mir wo Nadel und einen Dicken faden zu besorgen, was kompliziert wird, weil der Rucksack ist (außer das Innenleben) komplett aus dickem Kunstleder… Die CD war Preislich ganz Ok mit 27€ denn neben der CD enthielt das ganze Album noch ein dickes Fotobuch in dem sogar die Songtexte aufgeschrieben waren, eine kleine Fotokarte und einen Stickerbogen. Insgesamt hat das Fotobuch eine Dicke, wie die eines durchschnittlichen Mangas, also nicht gerade wenig, obowohl die Sieten aus nicht all zu dünnem Material gemacht sind.

Bei dem anderen Merch, den ich habe, hab ich Teilweise sogar noch fett Geld sparen können. Soweit ich erinnere hab ich für meinen BTS-Hoodie 15€ (ohne Versandkosten) bezahlt und damit 14€ gespart, weil er im Angebot war auf Amazon. Die anderen Teile habe ich vom JapanTag. Das währen 6 Fanarmbänder, wo ich leider eines doppelt habe und das erst zu spät wieder zu Hause bemerkt hatte, denn ich wollte damals ein Pinkes von APink und ein weißes von T-ARA, habe aber aus versehen ein weißes von APink bekommen… naja egal. Jedes Armband lag bei 4€ statt 5€, denn an dem Stand gab es das Angebot, das wenn man 2 kauft man pro Armband 1€ sparen kann^^ Dann hab ich von dem selben Stand noch einen Big Bang-Button mit fast 10cm Durchmesser für 5€, dann einen NU’EST Button in Form des Logos für auch nur 5€ (hab den aber leider vor kurzem verloren T_T ) und dann hab ich noch einen Schlüsselanhänger von 2NE1 für 4€ . Und zu guter Schluss habe ich noch ein Big Bang-Shirt, das 18€ gekostet hat und darauf habe ich 2€ gespart^^

Merch von Japanischen Bands habe ich keinen, aber weil die vor Jahren mal eine Japanische CD bei Mediamarkt verkauft hatten, hab ich eine bei mir rumliegen die kostete damals glaube ich 16€

Also Hoodies sind für gewöhnlich tatsächlich etwas teurer, wobei auch Merchandise von vorhergehenden Tours runter gesetzt wird, nach meiner Erfahrung. Dann gibt’s noch diverse Fans die selbst Sachen, wie Anhänger und Schmuck, herstellen bzw. herstellen lassen, das ist logischerweise auch günstiger oder kriegt man sogar geschenkt. Muss einfach jeder selber wissen, ob er das braucht oder nicht. Manchmal gibt es aber auch Sachen, die man sich eh schon immer mal holen wollte und dann eben mit entsprechendem Logo drauf, dann nehm ich das gern^^

And one more thing for the original theme. The more popular Kpop get’s the higher chances to get to see groups/bands/artists live without having to travel 12h or more.

What I also noticed with the younger generation of kpop fans is that even though they want to support their idols they don’t seem to mind buying fake products because it’s cheaper. I seriously saw some people ‘promoting’ aliexpress and wish because you can buy stuff cheaper there. :fearful:

To my understanding being a fan you buy official stuff to support someone.


aliexpress sells gorgeous stuff and very inexpensive . I have curtains from aliexpress which are the envy of my neighbors. They also have decorating stuff I’ve never seen before much less, for the price they sell it. I have a different and so original home bc everything is so different that you can’t find in US stores much less, for that price.

The only thing I hate, the waiting but is all so WORTH it.

I don’t recommend wish, their products are low quality and 80% of the time horrible looking bad quality products. They are deceivers.

What I do HATE about what’s popular in Korea is that now the name LUCIFER in many of their young idols T-shirts and in dramas!

It’s disgusting for me to see this name glorify since is the name of the devil (GOD REBUKE HIM) the liar roaring lion who wants to destroy the world and the people that love GOD.

There’s a drama Hyawgy which I love all the actors and the --fantasy like story-- but when I see that name I cringe to think the image it creates for that evildoer. I skip many parts as soon as I see the name and I feel is so disrespectful for people who believe in GOD to have used that name so carelessly.

The tragedy that happened in the beginning is a sign that the name alone can bring so much disgrace. May GOD protect all the good people and actors working there and all who watch it I hope they be mindful of subliminal messages that can open doors of hell in the real world. God protect the believers and rebuke the unbelievers.

It’s not about aliexpress in generall what @dudie was talking about, but the merchandise they are selling is fake. The artist never gets any share.

Are you talking about Hwayugi?

Idols run around with prints like “Lügner” (liar) “stupid” and so on, that’s not really a smart thing to wear either. Sometimes they probably don’t even know what the shirt is saying. This trend will pass, I guess.

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@angelight313_168 Don’t get me wrong, I like aliexpress too. I always buy my screen protectors, travel cubes etc there. It’s more that quite a few younger Kpop fans rather buy merchandise of their favorite groups on aliexpress or wish instead of really supporting their favorites by buying official releases. And they are even promoting those sellers who sell fake products on Facebook meaning in the end the artists will lose money.

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Where do you buy the official items then? Apart from Ebay.

@ I get it now, I see what you mean. :slight_smile:

I understand now.

On youtube they did a video asking the Japanese people wearing T-shirts with really nasty words if they knew what the shirt meant and they all said, no.

I don’t understand why they don’t research or goggle those words. A couple had their little girl with a shirt that was a really bad curse not appropriate for a child.

I thought they would want to first know what the shirt is saying before wearing it but that’s not the case

In regards to not endorsing the real thing at a loss of those poor young artist I know it’s so unfair to them. That is the reason I no longer buy piracy (copy) merchandise or DVD’s etc…I don’t want to be part of that too.

I was on a vacation in the Netherlands, when Gangnam Style was released, sitting on the beach and listening to the whole album. Back in Germany, it got more and more famous and everyone claimed to know Kpop and to be a fan, just because they know this song. Everyone was doing the horse dance, but knew nothing about the artist and the meaning of this song.

Happy news: I bought my first 4 KPop-albums and I’m so so so happy that I got them. Ah they are all so so so so so good!

I bought:

-EXO-Repackaged (Love me right) (There was a little card of Chanyeol in it)
-EXO- KO KO BOP-THE WAR (lol I had two comic-style drawing cards of Sehun in it^^)
-VIXX-Chained Up (There was a small tatoo, a “contract” with Hongbin and a small card with N in it)
-BTS-Her-Love Yourself (There was a small card of Jimin and a bunch of stickers in it)

And I got some “discount” coupns in the EXO-Albums if I ever wouls visit Korea and wanted to go to all the “SM Entertainment”-Thingy stuff but currently I think I will never ever be able to go to Korea^^

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NEVER SAY NEVER! Our words are very powerful if you want to go to Korea you will, just believe it and work on that.