Lack of New Korean dramas on Viki

I still think there are quality K-dramas being produced. It’s just that Viki is not getting a lion’s share of them as it used to.


This is an interesting topic of discussion for me because I am still relatively early in my Kdrama (and all Asian drama) journey. I just reached my second year here at Viki, though I had about half a year of drama watching on other services prior to that. Because of that, I still feel like there is so much content that I haven’t gotten to. I also can’t really speak to how the quality and/or quantity has changed in the recent past, though I’m sure the increase on other services affects Viki to some extent.

I haven’t been too interested in a lot of the newer content and I wasn’t sure if that was affecting my perception of how much is actually being offered. I was curious, so I did a quick search of on-air Kdramas, and there are more than I anticipated, but again they are not within my interest area. And Viki has had several very visible/popular dramas over the last several months - some of which I watched and some I did not. It’s true, though, that it seems like other services, namely Ntflx, are getting a larger percentage of the high-profile dramas.

Now that I think about it, it occurs to me that Soompi has been carrying a lot of news about dramas that appear on other streaming services, but isn’t Soompi supposed to have some kind of connection to Viki? Or am I imagining that connection in my head from somewhere?

Edit to add: I forgot to mention: I wonder how much the addition of the watch party function has affected the social aspect of Viki (which is what sets Viki apart from all the other streaming services)? I have taken part of so many WPs now, and it allows you to speak your mind on the drama in real time, so I am less likely to come to the discussion boards or other social areas to discuss it. Maybe just maybe that plays a tiny role in the reduced traffic.


Yeah, I meant that strictly from the perspective of less traffic at the discussion boards and maybe in the discussions on the show pages. It’s a separate issue from the quantity and quality of content.

Is there somewhere one could go to get concrete evidence that Viki is losing paid subscribers? Not that I am debating they are or are not, but places like Ntflx put out reports on subscriber numbers and whatnot, so it would be interesting to know for sure. It might also give some insight into whether we should be legitimately concerned that Viki might disappear one day. I was not around when the other place suddenly vanished. I’d hate for that to happen here.


Well, I’m a bit ‘‘nosey?’’ so I go to comments, and check profile page to see if they are paying subscribers or not, and in my rough calculation 60 to 80 % watched with ADS and were not even viki standard pass. If you have time, do the work. I no longer do that since I am busy with packing. I come here when I want to take a break only. So, I’m off back to packing. Let me know if you do a ‘‘little search?’’ What is your finding so far…? I suggest you do 10 and take it from there.


I didn’t even know you could find that on someone’s profile. I’ll check into it. I was an ad watcher for 1-3/4 of the 2 years I’ve been at Viki, but I did finally get a pass at the end of last year.

I would also be curious what the revenue difference is between someone who is a paid subscriber and what Viki gets from the ads that people are watching if they are not pass holders. Either way, Viki is getting revenue, it just depends on how much.


This is still available at Viki. It was under another title, Splendid Politics. But there has been a change in title to the above.

I agree. For some reasons, Viki doesn’t seem to be getting (or failed in bidding for licensing rights) many good K-dramas lately. I don’t see Rakuten as being inferior to NFlix, or any other streaming platforms. I guess there has been a change in policy.

True. That is a pity. I’m being “pushed” to watch elsewhere. Like many of you, Viki isn’t the only streaming platform for me.

Yes. There is a connection. Soompi is a subsidiary of Viki. Back in 2015, Viki acquired Soompi after it was itself acquired by Rakuten in 2013. Now, Viki and Soompi are subsidiaries under Rakuten, and Soompi is a subsidiary under Viki. I believe that is how the connection goes.

I’ve been wondering for a long time… When Viki removed the comments section underneath each episode of any drama, I thought they would introduce and lead/link viewers to Soompi forum for discussions because that was the main reason for the acquisition(?), and also because many are not aware of it. Moreover, discussion level over at Soompi seems to be dwindling as well. I made such a suggestion several times. But I am still left wondering… :thinking: Anyway, it is also why I included such links in the C-drama thread of channels wanted. Perhaps more will know of the existence of it, and participate in it.

I don’t think those WP groups adversely affect Viki, just like other streaming services’ WP (in other name forms) would affect them likewise. However, I do think Discord and other SM factions did.

Some years ago, Viki did try to introduce Viber, another SM mode which Rakuten acquired in 2013. However, it did not fare well and… :thinking: I still have fond memories of using Viber. :heart_eyes:

Agree. the decline in traffic here at Discussions and on the show pages is a separate issue. TBH, Viki still has a sizeable content (depending on what one likes/dislikes), and quality (in titles and subtitles) is still largely intact, though on a gradual decline (and likewise for other streaming sites :wink:). IMHO.:peace_symbol:


Hwa Jung, the Princess of Light ,
This is still available at Viki. It was under another title, Splendid Politics. But there has been a change in title to the above.

Watching this one now. Thanks for the link. Did my packing quota. Relaxing today since the dark rainy days make me so sleepy. lol


Thanks @angelight313_168. After you mentioned it, I did figure out where you could find the pass status of users. I randomly chose a bunch of users, but I realized part way through that many of them are clearly volunteers, and that obviously makes a difference as to whether or not they are paying for their pass. Oh well, at least I know about this now.

It does seem as though the new content tends to come in waves in terms of genre. For example, there was a large influx of BLs recently, which is cool for users interested in those. There always seems to be a constant flow of historical dramas, though not a lot of the Kdrama variety. But again, that targets a specific audience.

Part of it is my own fault. Like you, I have developed more and more pickiness over time, and I also become ‘moody’ in my drama watching - meaning my genre of choice depends on my mood. If my mood and what is currently being offered don’t match, too bad for me. :joy:

What’s really frustrating is that, even with all these streaming services getting in on the Kdrama action, there are still dramas I read about and want to watch but cannot be found on any of the sites.


I think we’ve all been through this. I actually was going through it for the last many months, which is why I haven’t really been watching dramas for a while. I’ve been sticking mostly to variety shows or learning more about the Kpop groups I like. I just recently started getting back into dramas over the last couple weeks. I guess sometimes you just need a break.

I’ll take note of that resource you mentioned. If I get desperate, I will look into it. Right now, there is really only one specific drama that I really wanted to see but is not available on any US streaming services. Maybe it will be one day. :pray:t4:


I agree. Cool for those who love that genre. However, I feel that if Viki wants to reach this segment, why not extend the reach further to include genres for GL, webtoon, manhua and donghua (not those drama adaptations, but the real productions)? There is a huge following for those respective genres too.

Which is this? I may be able to help you.:wink:

Now I’m curious. Which is this? Perhaps I can find a source? :blush::roll_eyes:


Very true. It’s one of the many lingering questions about content here at Viki.

It is ‘Tracer’ starring Im Si Wan and Go Ah Sung. It is a Wavve original. My search for this led me to some interesting new knowledge about how Korean content is being distributed. For example, Viki has a cooperation with Kocowa, which also has a cooperation with Wavve. Supposedly, according to some articles I read, all Wavve content is supposed to be available through Kocowa’s site, but I did not find this particular drama there. And I didn’t realize that not all Kocowa’s content was available through the Viki cooperation. For example, Yoon Shi Yoon’s new drama is through Kocowa, but you can only get it on their dedicated site. Way to make everything super confusing when it comes to trying to find all the Korean content you are looking for.



It doesn’t have the title of the drama only the ones on YOUKU I’m on episode 4 of Chinese drama Why women Love? It’s awesome!

The one I can’t find the ending or rest of the drama which I would love to watch fully is about a woman that her husband divorces her, and marries his mistress. She ends up working in a store, and the husband shows up with the mistress and his son with her, she’s in the storage room when the manager screams her name ordering her to get the expensive shoes for the ‘‘client’’

When she comes out, she acts like the classy lady she is, and tries to make the sale by putting the shoes on the other woman’s foot, but the husband is in such nervous wreck, he ends up buying two expensive shoes making his ex-wife the number 1 seller of the store (which is a good thing). The part I want to have closure with is that the mistress has the boy from her marriage with him, and this evil mistress treats the boy bad and makes him cry.

The boys look to me around 9 years old (remember he was with both women and both were pregnant around the same time).

Maybe you can find the drama by this saying/Chinese idiom they used in the scene and is a followed…

Her manager tells her: ‘‘You look like they knocked your teeth out and you swallowed them.’’
Between parenthesis they put,(meaning) (SILENT HUMILIATION).

I laughed so much with that saying that I got up immediately to add it to my notes. That is why, I can remember it so well. I DO PRAY you have an idea which drama it is, and especially that you can tell me the title so I can look for it until I find it. Better yet, I hope you can find it for me since I can’t find it in You tube where I was able to watch those two episodes. Thanks a lot!



That ‘‘resource’’ has saved my life lately, as I’m packing to move, and I’m watching them dramas/movies since they are cut short, and don’t require for me to be guessing the translation in the subtitles because they are really good. Very clear to understand, so whoever is translating them, is doing a fantastic job.

I agree we need to take breaks from Dramas because I always compare dramas with; when we eat too much of the same thing, that at one point, we can’t even stand to see it anymore, and get ‘‘upset stomach’’ lol
@my_happy_place…sorry wanted to add this, too.

I think they need to cut down on volunteers back in 2015 according to the CEO at that time, they had 200,000 volunteers. I also feel that having 100 volunteers for one language (like Spanish) is the biggest mistake they can make. Being is so easy to get into that language lately even people that have very low proficiency in Spanish are working in dramas instead of working in their native language which is where they are needed.

I remember a person that had mentioned knew Armenian language bc it was his/her native language, and only took 1 year College in Spanish (at that time). This person was added to the team in many dramas, and the subtitles were terrible. They always say ‘‘EDITING Dept will fix that,’’ but I ask myself, what need is for that to be going on here? We have people that their native language is Spanish and they know the rules of grammar and can offer better subs in Spanish.

We also have dramas that could have been easily translated to Armenian, but this person was working as a TERRIBLE Spanish subber. I reported this subber so many times, and for 3 years continued to give crappy Spanish subtitles. Who can understand the things that go on in here? They need to cut down on how many subbers they have in the Spanish teams since some of these volunteers FAKE they know Spanish bc is so easy for them to get in that team. I don’t understand their obsession with giving low quality Spanish subtitles bc is not like they’re getting paid.


“The first half of my live” or so.

“Why women love” is available on Viki.


I see. I haven’t watched this yet, but it is on my to-watch list. :grin: I didn’t know it’s a difficult to find drama. Let me try.

I remember this scene very well. I’ve watched this drama twice already. Haha. I still love it! In fact, it was on Viki when it premiered. I guess the license has expired.

LOL I love this saying, too. Funny and descriptive. In fact, there are tons of Chinese sayings and idioms that are similar in nature. :heart_eyes:

You’re right. It is. :+1:

It’s available on YT with English subtitles.


It was supposed to have a Season 2 with a new cast. But there has been no news for a long time. It’s already a bummer when they announced the change in cast. Well, only time will tell.


Thank you so much. I can’t believe ‘‘Why woman Love?’’ was here too! I’m going to continue watching it here. I’m around episode 8 (in the other place).
I wonder how many more jewels like this one we have here, but we don’t know about them. When I go to explore page the ones they have in the front page are for younger viewers, so I don’t even bother to check them out. If you know other titles here at RViki you think I might like, please give me a list. Thanks in advance.

Can you please add in your thread a list of Chinese dramas like; ‘‘The first half of my live or life?’’ and ‘‘Why woman Love?’’ I saw in your thread mainly traditional romantic dramas which I’m not a fan of those romantic story lines which many times end up in tragic endings.

I’m not too much on Romantic Traditional Chinese dramas, unless they are full of action (not long fights either) I also love thriller, but with less to no romance. Can you add some in your page? I also like Doctor/Medical or Detective dramas. Thanks in advance!

I did watched fully here the Chinese drama ‘‘The Wolf?’’ I’m not good with titles. Sadly, although has a tragic ending, I feel is soooo worth watching.


It’s available on YT with English subtitles.

So far I found only 2 episodes and had no luck finding the rest, but now that I think about it maybe they are working on subbing the next episodes. I hope I do find it bc I need closure. lol


The problem with wavve dramas is that they all are usually available only in Korea, with no English subtitles. It’s very hard to get them anywhere outside Korea. That’s why Tracer went from being a hugely anticipated drama to almost unheard of( i myself was soooooo excited because of the amazing pairing - loved them in the movie A Melody To Remember). And that’s also why EXO-L are currently furious over the fact that EXO’s variety show will be aired there, makig it next to impossible to see outside Korea.


I had heard that about Wavve content - that it would mostly be in Korea, which is why I was surprised to read some articles discussing the cooperation with Kocowa, which is specifically designed for international distribution. The executives themselves stated in interviews that Wavve content was going to be available through Kocowa, but apparently that rollout hasn’t completely come to fruition, although some Wavve content can, in fact, be found there. One article in particular talked about the amount of money that Wavve was planning to invest in original content, and it seems like it would only make sense for them to want to cash in on the growing global audience.


Its true that they have suddenly started to produce a lot more dramas than before, but i cant see any developments in their overseas distribution. Wavve is still unavailable on the Play Store here :frowning:


LOL It’s getting more and more OT now. I’ll reply within spoilers.:grinning:


That thread is for upcoming/other C-dramas that are not licensed and not yet available on Viki. It is not restricted to any particular genre, rather, it’s for whatever genre that anyone chooses to post in there.

“Why Women Love” is already on Viki. As for “The First Half of My Life”, it was on Viki but the license has expired (likely reason why it was taken down).

Yes, it will be updated with more.
Everyone, feel free to pop in what you want on Viki.

@my_happy_place The more i read about Tracer, the higher it has gone on my to-watch list lol. It has 2 seasons, though short season each of 8 episodes per season. I’m going to binge-watch it during the upcoming Spring break. Thank you for bringing it back onto my radar. :kissing_heart:

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