Mouth sounds when eating

I see… so the slurping has to be short, and not too loud lol.

Thanks for answering.

_ agree with all of you that its a culture thing, but my pet peeve is the passing gas and we are supposed to laugh abut it. that may be a culture thing also, but that is to me bad manners far and above the slurping and full mouths. so if I am wrong in the let me know_ If people dont burp is another culture thing, so anywhere we look in different countries, there is culture borders we ,I guess, have to watch for. oh and grin and bear it???, Eating rice with the hands??


Eating with the hands is very enjoyable. You enjoy a much more intimate relationship with food. I didn’t know that until I tried.

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see we learn stuff here!

It’s funny how in some countries BURPING is in a way praising how good the meal was but in my culture if you burp that was considered very rude, and I got slapped around a few time for doing that when I was very young. I learned the hard way to never let a burp out. Now if I burp loud by accident, I apologize several times and feel so, so ashamed of letting that burp go out, like it was my fault (sometimes it catches you by surprise) lol

Eating with your hands may be TASTIER (ugh I can’t even say it w/o feeling disgusted) With all the germs around in the world, I feel that you can wash your hands 100 time, and it will have some kind of dirt under the nails etc…I just can’t. I even use a little bit of BLEACH, if I feel they are not clean enough (I have OCD).

Of course, we all know that in a life or death matter, I might forget my OCD and eat with my hands but hopefully I’ll never have to go through that.

So for those who say they can’t fathom the idea of eating with their hands, does this mean you don’t eat things like certain candies, brownies, cupcakes, burgers, french fries, pizza, tacos, veggie snacks, chips, sandwiches of any sort, etc?


I have friends and family who have OCD in varying degrees so for that, I see why eating with your hands would be a serious taboo.

My comment was more a conversational piece as most people I have run into that make comments about those who eat food with their hands are doing so not because of a condition, but because they are thinking about people who eat foods they deemed ones that “should” be eaten with utensils because it’s just how they were raised.

A lot of times when I point out the items as I did in my above post, I get a “d’oh” reaction. I’ve even gotten “but those foods are “supposed” to be eaten with your hands” reply before they stop to think about why those things would be okay versus other foods.

Overall, thought it might be food for thought (minus for those who suffer from such conditions like OCD) because I saw another person had also commented about eating rice with hands. :slight_smile:


Here you go! The crunch is crisp, and clear! :yum:

Very eye opening irmar. :smile: My facial changes as I read your experience went from :smiley: to :anguished: to :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy::rofl: and right back to :exploding_head::flushed: :astonished::hushed::open_mouth:. You’ve had a very life changing trip abroad!

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Ha ha, it’s not nearly as weird as it sounds.