Oh My Geum Bi

I just finished watching the new episode, what a tear jedrker! I am so waiting for her to donate her heart to that other girl. and maybe theres a turn of events. but a lot of people have changed their lives because of her! so good so good!

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talking about a tear jerker this is it! got episode 15 finished, now upcoming last one. wonder if those actors & actressed were moved by the story itself? would love to see them more in dramas this year. they have done a fantastic job. writers, my hat is off to you and a big bow, subbers you were fantastic!

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theres one more episode and I just about not want to watch it because of the thought of the child dying. but this is such a good story in all areas. Guess we should be thankful for our children being healthy. like I said earlier, this is a tear jerker for me.

oh my goodness! and the ending was fantabilous! I didn’t cry close to it. so good so good! thanks subbers too! I really hope that little actress does great in her acting career, she was so good in that part! as for our other actors & actresses really hope they do good in their acting careers. wonder if they got emotional with this story I know they were playing a part , but were they touched by this story as well?

I was crying as I was subbing it in English. The part where she doesn’t recognize herself is so heartbreaking. And the actress, Heo Jung Eun, conveyed such true emotions as such a young age! Loved it.

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I so much wanted to find out if any of you were emotional in this, yeah as well as the actors & actresses. boy I did a mega crying too!

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