Pet lovers 🐹 🐈 🐕 🐧

Wow :frowning: I also have a baby, a belgian tervueren, who was diagnosed with EPI and an auto-immune disease. He is 5 now, and looks okay, but I don’t even leave him at home alone, I always fear the worst.
I am sorry for your loss.


How is your dog ?
he’s getting better at walking ?

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Alto uses 14% of his leg so it’s slowly getting better but I wished it would get better faster. He can exercise a bit more 20+15 minutes a day is what he’s allowed at the moment. Thank you so much for asking! :heart:


I was hoping that Alto was doing better. There is small progress and, fortunately, no standstill :heart::heart:

Can’t or aren’t we allowed to upload pictures anymore?

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I couldn’t yesterday, I don’t know why I got a message that it wasn’t allowed or something like that.


Wow, what an incredible topic! :star_struck: We really have so many pet profile pictures. I look at most of them, I find them incredibly cute, LOL​:smile:

Well, I’m passionate about birds, but unfortunately, I lost mine in 2022…
I considered her my “escape” amidst all the chaos in my life that year… it was crazy! :pensive:
I miss her a lot… Many people, when they lose a pet, immediately think about buying another to “replace” it, but I never found that fair. My grandfather lost a bird that my father gave him before he passed away… but after about 2 months, he bought another one just like it and gave it the same name. I was really saddened by that action; I truly don’t think it’s right. It’s not right to replace one life with another. But with her, I couldn’t just “simply” buy another one, give it the same name, and “carry on with my life”; she was there with me in my best and worst moments! :pleading_face:

I love you forever, Floquinho​:pleading_face::revolving_hearts:
Captura de tela 2024-06-01 232024
Captura de tela 2024-06-01 232056
Captura de tela 2024-06-01 232010


Such a cute little bird! :heart_eyes: You can’t replace an animal but you can love a new pet for who they are, they have their own personalities as they should. I tend to go for animals that no-one else wants, sometimes the animal that needs a new home has issues Luna (previous Negrita) was a dog abandoned in Spain. Luna doesn’t trust humans and I have had to work to gain her trust but sometimes it’s the sweetest souls that needs a little love and a place to call home. I hope that you are ready to open your hart to a bird or any other animal in the future.


i am cat owner

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This is a second documentary from Korea, the first one was by a photographer who then ended up adopting a street cat. This one is just new on Viki.

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