Did someone say chickens (they are Orust a native breed I have more than on the photo)… Two of my gees and of course Haru the cat… I breed rabbits too but I think one photo might be enough.
love this pic…
The Picture ist sooo sweet
That’s full of a sweet little farm with you, how wonderful
My Horse some of them already know
Wow you have a horse , I would like to have a horse too (since I saw Anne with an E) but I have a small
In this moment I have two dogs , three cats
, one bird
and two turtles
But throughout my life I have had many animals, I have had rabbits , hamsters
, fish
, chicks
, once I even had a lobster and a crab
(his name was Sebastian). I have always been very fond of animals and I have many funny stories because of it.
This is a photo of my most photographic cat
This is Milo. He is one year and four months old now. He is very dramatic and loves attention. He is also a little bit of a troublemaker if he does not get his own way. I tell my kids he is my third child and my favorite, lol.
When I used FB there was this page My Pet Chicken and people posted many chicken species and some taught them also tricks. My aunt also bread bunnies, the white ones.
Where I live there are farm houses and almost every day ducks make rounds around flying a circle, it’s always a couple. And near the community gardens there is a creek and they fly in circle a lot, but last week they came to feed on plants, they are huge and beautiful!
I get so happy when I see all the beautiful animals, I absolutely love ducks they always makes me smile.
on the way to my work I have to go through a small park with a pond,
it is always wonderful to see them
Love is in the air! It’s spring and mating time
I feel you live in a Paradise ur so blessed. Thanks for sharing such gorgeous pics. Glad ur beautiful horse is doing well.
he is so cute and just like everyone else easy to cuddle…
Who does not know that
I think I should feel bad ?!

I don´t know how much nice things that I have gotten for my pets that has never ever been used…
I saw this thread and of course I had to join in, because I love animals. I grew up with cats and I’ve got two cats at the moment, Lucky and Happy. They’re as different as can be. Lucky is very vocal and I honestly think he tries to talk to us, while Happy is relatively quiet. Lucky doesn’t want to be touched unless he’s in the mood for it, while Happy will let you pet and cuddle him all day long and still want more. Lucky is very well-behaved in terms of not climbing atop surfaces he’s not supposed to be on, like the tables, for example, while Happy will literally put is head in your bowl of food without a single thought. They’re so different from each other, but both are super adorable.
P.S. Such cute pics! We should keep this thread active. I don’t have a pic of Lucky and Happy saved on the laptop I’m using at the moment, but I loved seeing all of yours!
You’ll get them the thing and they’ll sleep in/play with the box. It never fails to amuse me. Hahahaha!
That’s so true… Happy saved on the laptop I’m using at the moment and I sometimes post here from my cellphone (when I’m on the go or use my laptop for other things).
Oh, I totally understand. I have tons of pics of mine on my phone too. They’ll be sleeping in a funny position or just doing something funny and of course us, pet owners, have to take a photo of that. I sometimes randomly swipe through them if I come across the pics in my gallery again and laugh at what they did. Hahaha!
the little mouse is called Sandera is now 23 years old and likes to fool around with me
she is also very flexible, with her almost 11 years
It’s 23:12 and I just came home from the dojo (Mondays and Thursdays we practice for 3 hours)… I’m s bit jealous of your cat, I wouldn’t mind just a tad of hat flexibility in my old body… That said both cat and hors att cute.