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#salad #fruits


I don’t think I would cut into it, its awesome!!


Okay, no cutting, :rofl: how about I break something off.


Literally how I feel about every beautiful creation you post whether it’s a cake or an amazing fruit display. I can’t imagine the time and effort people put into these things, and it would take mere seconds to cut it up and eat it. That seems so wrong.


So I noticed that many Asian drama sites have a ratings section for people to rate dramas and they use a 10 point scale (1 being worst and 10 being best), the 10 point scale is similar to other mainstream review sites like IMDB or Rot**n T*matoes. However, all of the dramas are usually rated no lower than a 7. Frankly, everything seems to be a 10. I feel this defeats the purpose of a 10 point scale, where 5 should be the midpoint and indicate an average drama. Usually an average drama is given a rating of 7 on Viki. I feel like a different scale might lead to more accurate ratings. Perhaps a 5 point scale would be better? I don’t know. I find myself not really using the ratings when trying to decide whether or not to watch a drama since it always feels skewed toward the high end. Often, I find myself reading the reviews that are rated the lowest as I find them to be a more honest critique than the higher ones. A separate issue I have is the seeming lack of judgement about what constitutes a quality production, or what criteria the viewer is using to make the ratings. Example: Korean drama “My Mister” and Thai drama “Love In The Air” both have a Viki rating of 9.7. However, these 2 productions could not be further apart in overall quality in my opinion. How can I take Viki ratings seriously when this type of thing happens so often where a clearly superior production is ranked the same as a much more inferior one?
Do you think that a 10 point scale is the best one to use for ratings? How do you use (or not use) the ratings and reviews?


A five point review system would have the same skew, if not worse. The audience is at fault. I mostly disregard the review system, especially on the high end, and look elsewhere. If it’s a 6.0 on viki, then it must be horribly bad. With IMDB, you can see the distribution of the ratings, so you’ll know how bad of a skew it is and how much the ratings were (if) adjusted.


I agree with your assessment. I think, though, that this would become the case no matter what rating system is used. I think we have been conditioned to see “average” as “bad.” And especially here at Viki, I feel like anything rated under a ‘9’ is seen as not worth watching. I’ve rated/reviewed only a small fraction of things I’ve watched on Viki. In most cases, I really had to have something to say about it in order to take the time to write a review, and if it’s something I didn’t like, I really won’t use my time to write about it. I do rate everything on MDL, though, and I am not afraid to give something one or two stars if I think it deserves it. Overall, I do tend to skew to the top half of the scale, though.

All in all, when it comes to making my own decisions about drama watching, I have learned not to take ratings or reviews to heart. For just about any drama, I feel like you can find just as many “the acting was great” as there are “the acting was terrible” reviews (insert any other point of discussion like chemistry, plot, etc.). Is there a “right” and “wrong” in any of these instances? We all see things through our own lens, so we’ll never know without watching and deciding for ourselves.

Edit: Actually, after thinking about it, I realized that I don’t usually give a rating on MDL to dramas that I have dropped, which would obviously be the dramas I’d rate the worst overall. I just can’t be bothered to do so. LOL I wonder how many others are like me, who avoid rating the truly bad stuff. This would obviously have an effect on the overall rating - skewing it higher.


here kitty here kitty

yep watermelon



ok nough foolin around ,how about some cake 'n coffee?? and its real cake!!!



I rate all the films I skim through or watch even if I don’t like them. I skip all the boring parts and the ones with characters I don’t like, so it skews my perception. There should be a separate dropped section.


If I make it to the end of something one way or the other, I will rate it on MDL, even if I skim/skip or simply go directly to the last episode, but I am much more likely just to drop things these days. I suppose I should take the time to rate the ones I have dropped because, honestly, if a show wasn’t even good enough to make me want to jump to the end and see how the story wraps up, that’s saying something. Curiosity usually gets the best of me.


Hello fans. I hope fans from India are safe. I received this pictured video this morning. This is a terrible thing to happen, if the date is correct. Sad, sad clips of thick mud, sliding down mountains, and washing away homes, and bridges.
:pray:t5: Prayers for India. :pray:t5:


Thanks for your response. Much appreciated. I’m not sure if ratings would skew more with a 5 point system, but I understand where you are coming from.

Thanks for responding and for your insights. I hadn’t considered that an “average” show would be considered as “bad,” but now that you say it, I think you are correct. This must be the mindset. It helps to explain the skewed results I keep seeing in the ratings. And with this in mind, yes, the number ratings will always be skewed if this is the mindset of all reviewers.

Pursuant to both of your points, it seems like all of the reviewers start the rating at 10, and then deduct rather than starting the rating at the midpoint of 5 (5 indicating an average drama/film) and adding or deducting points from there.
After reading your responses and thinking about it some more, I also feel that the criteria used for the ratings is just “How much did I enjoy this drama?” Meaning, a wholly subjective view based on feelings, rather than a more objective critique of more standard benchmarks of filmmaking, i.e. writing, acting, directing, cinematography, editing, etc.

So that is how I view the ratings numbers now, after thinking about it more. They are simply an indicator of viewer enjoyment or engagement for a drama/film. I can’t take it any other way because the number ratings just don’t make sense to me otherwise. It also helps to explain some of the content often mentioned in the reviews at Viki, especially the low numbers for lack of subs in a language. Of course, my enjoyment of a drama/film is going to be greatly affected if I can’t fully understand what is being said by the characters, so then a low rating makes sense in this context.
If I see a high number, then that tells me viewers enjoyed it a lot, a low number tells me viewers did not enjoy it or engage as much for some reason. Looking deeper at the text of the reviews can possibly give me some reasons as to why. I can then use that info when making my own decision on whether or not to watch something.

It does make me sad that the ratings here on Viki are not really a true barometer of the quality of a production, rather only an indicator of popularity. But it is what it is.


aaaawwww more watermelon art!!

found another one!!



In drama fantasy land, is it anything when a human eats a dragon? That second pic of the dragon, looks sweet. Looking very edible! :joy:


gotta share another one…




I have a watermelon sitting on my kitchen counter right now but trust me. It won’t end up looking like any of these beautiful works of art! LOL! Such attention to detail! Absolutely beautiful!


my thoughts as well! how in the world they do that!!

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