The Ninth Screw

This morning I tried opening a lid, but I couldn’t because it had been fastened by nine screws. I had to find a screwdriver 🪛 and then unscrew them. After pulling out eight of them, I decided to try again. It didn’t work. I still had to unscrew the ninth one as well. I learnt that each and every screw was important in its own way.

It’s the same with you and everyone else. Evil corporations treat their employees like disposable items to be spent and then thrown away like yesterday’s garbage.
Posterior wipes make others feel as though they’re unwelcomed.
But they’re wrong. You may be the ninth screw, but you’re just as valuable. So never let anyone tell you otherwise. You serve a purpose just like all of us.

So be the odd one out. It’s OK. You matter just as much. :heart:



@angelight313_168 @piranna @frustratedwriter @sonmachinima

Just a little story to lift up your spirit. Have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for being my friends, my most cherished friends. :smile_cat:


thank you, that was awesome, I really liked that

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He he I’m glad you did. :smile_cat: :heart:

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I’m a bit… lost with this one. Care to share more in depth your own views on the 9th screw? Below is what I can’t correlate with the screw. What am I missing here?

Evil corporations treat their employees like disposable items to be spent and then thrown away like yesterday’s garbage. Posterior wipes make others feel as though they’re unwelcomed. ‘‘You serve a purpose just like all of us.’’ (so you are also part/one of the eight screw)?

Maybe bc I view the ‘‘screw’’ more as a mental problem that I can’t connect the message? lol

PS. You are also very special friend to me, although is only through here at RViki, but the heart speaks louder, and yours speaks volumes of caring for others. Thnx for sharing things with us always.

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Thank you @adrianmorales I hope you are fine and can enjoy a little but of summer’s sun after all these dark months.

Take care :blossom:


The screws are us. And each person/screw matters, not just the eight ones, but also the ninth as well. So don’t be afraid to reach for the Stars and the Moon. :dizzy::first_quarter_moon_with_face::smile_cat:


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Once it stops raining, I will. Thank you. Take good care. :sparkling_heart:

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If you need to talk, you know I’m always here for you. So don’t hesitate to PM me or by e mail (I send you several e mail, but never got your response) I know you are busy with your projects.