[Viki Community Team] 2023 Winter Subathon Top 11 Badge Options

errei fui cabelinho kkkkkkkkk

desculpa, isso na minha cabeça fez sentido agr kkkkk

I don’t see how we can receive badges…

We portuguese subbers who have been here helping the community are really disapointed with how things have been going. It’s been hard to find projects without portuguese subs wich it’s really unfair with us and a lot of new contributors. For us who are moderators too it’s really sad to have to turn down a lot of volunteers who only wants to help. We are one of the largest language with contributors and it’s really sad to see how you guys have been descarting us this easily.

We need to know how things are going to proceed since we’re only having a review role to correct a lot of subs that doesn’t fit in. Sometimes the translation is well done… but we never know.

It’s a general concern so we need to find a solution.


Flagging the Portuguese community for stating that it’s going to be very difficult to get badges because of Viki’s latest strategic move is not the right way to go in my opinion, dear contributors.

After all, you didn’t flag the segmenters for complaining about the same thing on the previous seg-subathon, right?

Sometimes the needs of this community have to come before the rules of Discussions. And sometimes this community should come together in matters of such importance no matter what. What is today’s sad truth in the Portuguese community, is a sad future of the next language community.


[quote=“bozoli, post:68, topic:51346”]
Flagging the Portuguese community for stating that it’s going to be very difficult to get badges because of Viki’s latest strategic move is not the right way to go in my opinion, dear contributors.
After all, you didn’t flag the segmenters for complaining about the same thing on the previous seg-subathon, right?
–>Truly truth.
Are there delays in translations into Portuguese? Yes. But not because the subber community is small. It’s for another reason and Viki knows very well what it is. We just want them to resolve this instead of leaving the Portuguese community without a chance to translate. Unfortunately, there are people in the community who want to silence us. They are thinking that their language is safe.


I hope they haven’t forgotten about us.


Hi everyone.
I took some time to come here as I was not sure what to write.
Saying I’m angry, frustrated, annoyed, sad, is stating the obvious. I’ve been here for six years now and once more I see how the communities are not appreciated enough.
We strive to do a good job, we put our sweat here. We make it our hobby, our project, our work, our leisure, and we do it with so much love. We give so much and for so many reasons, but especially because there’s a sense of community, and it’s special that our work allows so many people to enjoy the dramas we love so much.
Although I know all things come to an end and our fun times here might be getting to an end, the bare minimum we deserve is a thank you and goodbye, you know? Honestly, if today you have such a big portuguese speaking audience subscribing to Viki, it is because many volunteers did so much here for so many years. If you have a good quality number of dramas available to be watched in Portuguese, it’s also because of us.
Once again, Viki - Empowered by fans - is taking decisions disregarding who’s always been here, disregarding our work.
But pay attention:
Right now, we’re still FIGHTING to be here. We’re still fighting to call the Viki Community a home, we’re fighting to keep on with our individual and group purposes here. You shouldn’t disregard that.
I won’t even take long here talking about the poor quality pre-subbed nor the times I had to correct subs made by Viki’s paid staff. This has been stated enough. Honestly, if all of us left right now, you wouldn’t have enough staff to do what we do and with the quality we do, and it would take a while until you could make up for it. So don’t come to us asking about badges, suggesting we get little notepads and such to keep us motivated, to get us to stay (yes, it’s been a thing on those videochats with the Viki team).
Be respectful towards our history here and all we did asking for nothing in return. Viki saved SO MUCH with free volunteers and now you don’t even take the time to see us out?! You want to keep us motivated? I dare to say you’re going dumbly straight into having no one who really cares around.
@vikicommunity @fsl_viki @giant_sean @amm11 @brendas


They don’t have enough staff. What the paid subbers can’t translate, they use Machine Translation to do it. I though that k-dramas would be translated by staff, but the subs on the drama I’m working right now, in the break I made to read your comment, are on GT level, seriously, we could have translated it better, not in 19 seconds of course (the time it took to copy paste from the pre-subbed channel) but still in the same day.


The viewers have already started to complain about not understanding the plot.

Welcome to the gold age of Vikibot.


I hope there are doing it. Complaints! What a disrespect for us and our work here. Pre subbed drama are also coming on French language. We are now only editors ? And editing which substance ?.. Laughing :joy: It’s like Viki is giving us candies by giving us the job of moderator for a pre subbed drama that you have to edit. Pfff. The French language is so full of vocabulary and it’s really hard to translate it if you don’t consider everything around each scene. We have to think about which work and nuances it will give to viewers. Our work here is underrated since years. Viki only search for rapidity and subscriptions. But what gather people here ? The quality of subtitles given but the community : CM, segmenters, editor, moderators and translators. Everyone can give this quality even if it could take more time that people wish. You don’t want to wait ? Please watch another beautiful drama by waiting. I’m fed up and the French community still fights to keep its best elements. It’s the new way of working of Viki that makes people quit here. I’m sad of this. Like we say in French : " À bon entendeur salut !" (>que celui qui comprend profite de ce qu’on a dit).


Ops… looks like thing are about to get dark, right?

First, thanks to VIKI and the demand of those who can’t afford to wait to get the best quality subtitles, all of those who really wants to see the serie like a gold and does not bother to wait a little bit are receiving the bill to pay. That’s so frustrated! And as our fellow friends said here: we’re a not a machine, of course, but we deliberate to get our job done before the expected! And it’s not our fault if one of the most important processes, I mean English team, isn’t getting things done as they are expected to be. I know that this does not suit to every CE, GE, TE… 'cause some of them really get this done very fast!! But there are some that really does not care to deal with it in a year, months… just simply wants to appear as a “God Boss” literally. Anyway… sometimes I prefer to stay quiet and just watch what is about to happen than open my mouth and say something that probably is gonna sneeze sh*t on someone.
Welcome to a new Vikiland and get used to it 'cause :moneybag::moneybag: is the priority here, or at least that’s what we’re seeing. I really wish to see all this situation getting solved asap, I can’t afford to lose one of my best hobbies.



It’s not just the PT community. Looks like English contributors and segmenters can’t join the subathon either.

Seems English editors are no longer needed as no English editors can get on a team lately.

and Segmenters can’t get points for adjusting or combining on pre-sub shows.

Seems like the English editors and segmenters are excluded from participating. New English contributors won’t be able to join either…


This makes me so sad I have seen the incredible things that editors can do with bad subs before they are in the hands of subbers and OLs. @brendas @vikicommunity Please answer us all! :green_heart: