Any news about qc gift?
When will the “get VikiPass” in the app be fixed so I can cast on my TV again from the app?! It’s taking way too long and I’m getting really annoyed it’s still not working. Instead Viki seems to work on things we didn’t even ask for.
And yes information about our QC gift would be nice.
It does not work at all! I can reach my Chromecast device, but then it says to subscribe to a standard - pass, although I am a QC with standard benefits.
Did you follow the instruction and click where you had to? Although it might seem to be unnecessary there are certain steps that needed to be followed to confirm your viki pass whether standard or Plus. This could be the issue or not…
Check this out bc you never know until you try it. Good Luck.
No Viki Pass Error - #34 by jasgiul
I’m still waiting also. I can’t use viki on my TV with the app but I can see my QC advantage on PC but not on the app. While i still have access to viki pass dramas by using my mobile and the app…
I’ve tried to restore my advantage QC by log again but it doesn’t work.
Thank you guys for commenting, I thought I was alone
Why those who have a QC benefits ( Standard) can’t cast from their app but told to get viki pass ???
Do those who have a QC benefits (Plus) have these chromecast problems with the app ?
What about the benefit of the APP? I noticed that on my phone (when I enter through the app) this benefit is not active.
I am having the same problem! It’s getting me, seriously! I can’t watch on my TV! And my QC Status is active, where’s my benefits?
Hello, although on my app there is a get viki pass indicated I have no problem watching the plus videos and can also cast without any problems. Hope this help.
I can’t cast from the app actually,it wants me to go to the viki website to get viki pass… How do you do to avoid this problem ?
Hello again, okay let me try if we can find the problem. First what is your tier? How long have you been a qc? What device are you using? Also location you don’t have to be specific like asia, north america.
I am just a QC, since 2021 if I remember. Chromecast works fine if I cast from laptop to chomecast but doesn’t work if I cast from my phone (android app, you can see in the comments, I am not the only one). I am in Europe.
Edit : the app wants me to subscribe and not letting me cast a video
Oh, no! It looks like you might need some help. I’m not saying that you do…
But I think you should contact the help center, for some help, you know…
You know, when life gives you bots, you need to take a break and get some fresh air, or eat something nice …
Just to not let it bother you.
It sounds more to me: like a human trying to be a fake bot. Going back to square ONE. I’m so done with all this drama going on in here… .
The danger of the past was that men/women became slaves. The danger of the future is that men/women may become robots…
I can believe a bot just showed up and said that lol. Or… they are bots, what else to expect?? Lol