Viki Community Team Members [QC Gift 2019]

I am trying to fill out the survey for the QC Gift 2019. When I went to it, it said the survey was closed because I got the email after the due date. I would like my QC Gift but how do I get it now? It said to contact the Viki Community Team Members but I don’t know where to find them. Can somebody help me?


You can simply fill out a request form:

Good luck!



I got contacted by Camiille when I forgot to fill the name (My friends: “Oh we have to give our name”. Me: “The name? What are you talking about :joy::hatching_chick:?”)

You can also contact the VCT members directly (they might be on holidays though):

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Sadly, you are probably too late. They leave a certain time period because they have to order/buy the selected gifts.