[Viki Community Team] November 2023 Updates

I already have Viki subscription too. . .


I see it coming all of us, who already have a subscription or are volunteers and therefore have a bit of an understanding for some keywords, will get the Viki Pass coupon. The rest who don’t have a Viki Pass and don’t have the same understanding as we will get the Duolingo coupon :smirk:


Hi @brendas , so many viewers were looking forward to the 29% discount today and were very disappointed because it is only for new subscribers. Why are you hosting such an event where the prices are not available to everyone. As someone has already written, either there are regional restrictions or people who already have a pass cannot extend theirs with the discount.

We’ve already experienced that you make it difficult for us volunteers because you want to please the viewers (I’m referring to the segmenters and the subbers where the dramas come pre-subbt), but why are you annoying the paying customers now?

Your business model is getting crazier and crazier.


I love the idea of free viki pass if I can give it to someone els… I have free Viki as I’m here everyday and is a QC but giving it to someone that might not know they need it (or have enough at the mo to get it on their own) would be great gift and perfect now close to christmas.


:bulb: Bling! If you’re reading this prior to taking the Viki :heavy_multiplication_x: Duolingo quiz? :wink: Here’s the thing, make sure you fail, :joy: maybe then you’ll win the Duolingo prize.

And another thing💡!

Make sure you use the email of the person who needs a Viki pass, if you plan on acing the quiz, to gift a one month standard pass.

You’ve been pre-warned! Otherwise, see you in the crabs in a barrel bucket! :rofl::rofl::rofl: I’m already in! :joy:

Awesome info!
@someofliz , @maria_lavendula_77 @saivarshini @a_hauth_238
See @jadecloud88 post. There is a better way! :wink:


There’s a simpler, surefire way haha… :wink:

:wave:ICYMI: Everyone, if you’d like to test-drive Duolingo for free, just check your inbox under “Announcements” and you’ll see this message for "a special Duolingo giveaway just for our Contributor Community!"


[Viki Community Team] K-Drama Day X Duolingo

In honor of International K-Drama Day (Nov. 29) we are excited to share a special Duolingo giveaway just for our Contributor Community! :star2:

:gift:Use code: VIKIDUO23 for one free month of Super Duolingo!

Claim your offer here: Duolingo

**Terms & Conditions may apply: Duolingo

Happy K-Drama Day!! :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed::blue_heart::sparkles:


:four_leaf_clover:Have fun! :sunglasses: :nerd_face:


Happy K-Drama day @someofliz !! :partying_face: We’re so happy to hear you’re having fun celebrating K-Drama day with us and we’re grateful for your feedback. :pray:

Please do check your in-box, if you haven’t already!! We sent a special PM this morning to all Viki Contributors with a little Duolingo gift inside. :gift:


Hi @someofliz and @saivarshini !! I confirmed with the team and India and Germany are indeed eligible for the giveaway! :raised_hands:

Could you refresh your browser and try the form again? Thanks so much!


I understand you, I’m from Central America and I can’t even participate in this giveaway :smiling_face_with_tear:.

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Yes now its showing thank you😊 @brendas


I hate it when they exclude regions, like we from Europe or other excluded regions, are worth less. I still remember a few years ago Viki had a very awesome give away I really wanted to join but then I found out I couldn’t while just viewers could join if they where from the US. It made me really upset. I had hoped Viki would have stopped doing that. Or when that’s not possible find a good substitute prize for Europe (or other excluded regions) which the included regions cannot win too. Now it feels so unfair again although it most likely has something to do with certain restrictions and regulations Viki cannot help either.

How long is that duolingo coupon valid to redeem @brendas ? Can I redeem it next year when I have more free time or is it only valid till the end of the year?


Hi, @brendas I’m unable to redeem the Duolingo coupon.
It is asking for card details…
Please let me know how I can redeem it.


I’m wondering the same, I just moved and couldn’t do Quiz also and as for Duolingo I’d like to try it next year, like starting in January. I haven’t clicked redeem yet.

Also I wonder as padmalayag said, if a credit card is needed if it’s only 1 month trial. That would likely mean, if you forget to cancel, it will start a subscription and charge your card?? Some businesses do that…


I tried it as well & what i get from it that it’s not a free coupon, it’s a one month free trial if you commit to paying after that, so weird imo but what to do


Following the thread

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~~~ Giveaway Now closed!~~~

Ultimate K-Drama Fan Experience!
One grand prize winner will receive a round-trip flight to South Korea to go on an all-inclusive K-drama-themed tour*! Get ready to visit iconic drama filming sites and popular hotspots from your favorite shows.

That’s not all!
125 fans will win one of…

They heard me! 🙆🏾‍♀️ 😃

Live walks to different part of the world- Share yours here - #78 by leerla73

  • Thrilling! Can’t wait to hear who is the fortunate fan, who gets to go to :kr: S. Korea! :smiley:
  • I wonder if we’ll get to know, who are the 125 fans winning such desirable prizes?! :grinning:

Hi @dudie ! I can see how disappointing it would be to discover your region was excluded after already getting excited about the giveaway. I’ll pass this along to the organizing team. :cry:

I’m afraid we haven’t heard back from Duolingo on when their coupon will expire. To be safe, if you’re planning on using it I would do it by December 31, 2023 - before the year ends. :crossed_fingers:


Hi @padmalayag - Oh goodness. Duolingo does have their code redemption setup to require a credit card. If you do decide to redeem it yet don’t want to pay additional months, definitely put a reminder on your calendar to cancel your account otherwise you will get charged! :grimacing:


Hi @simi11 ! Yes, I’m afraid Duolingo’s system is setup to charge your card if you forget to cancel. :disappointed:

We’ve asked Duolingo about the expiration date on the coupon they provided but we haven’t heard back. Our Marketing team advises to redeem it before end of year, just to be safe!


So it expired. I tried to use the code before 2024 arrives… But it already expired :cry:

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