[Viki Community Team] Update on Reported Channel & Subtitling Activity

I’m starting to think that upping the contribution points of all TEs to 2 instead of 1 was a preemptive action because Viki knew they were going to release the VikiBot again (this time permanently) and they needed editors, not subbers.

Because I’m also thinking that the real money is not in the 100% translated French and Spanish subs for Viki’s subscribers. After all, the field of on-demand entertainment is excruciatingly competitive and Viki is a small fish in comparison.

The real money lies in the VikiBot itself. And VikiBot needs human editing to learn and develop.


And this bomb had to be dropped in the middle of the Badge event and before Christmas and few weeks before the end of the year, simply a Bang! :bomb:

I’m absolutely flabbergasted, although I’m not concerned, but I’m within the same community and this is just too much to digest… Such attitude it’s like a U-turn, it makes me feel deceived by some people in the Viki organization… Just WHY? :face_with_diagonal_mouth: :disappointed_relieved:


That is why they need to communicate with us.
What they’ve done gives the impression that they ignore how the contributors work. That’s disturbing.

As @dimghro said, things would go better with a clear communication.
They’ve changed the role of the segmenters and now it’s the turn of French and Spanish subtitlers after English and Portuguese subtitlers.
All they want today are editors!

Not yet, but soon the bot will work on all languages.


Please, stop calling your electronic translator’s dirty work ‘French subtitles’. I don’t know what it looks like in the other languages I don’t master, but it’s probably the same!
Call it machine French, e-French, electronic French… Whatever you like, but don’t let it be thought that this is the language spoken by the inhabitants of all French-speaking countries.
By making it clear that this is a temporary solution, you will prevent dedicated volunteer translators from profiting from the scorn they receive for translations without soul or culture.


:heart: Quelle est l’activité de Romnel ? Il arrive, il vomit des mots et puis s’en va. Ni bonjour, bonsoir juste M…:heart:
Est-il à l’image de l’entité qui l’a lancé ?

Suite à l’enquête diligentée par Viki sur l’éditeur de sous-titres, je pensais que des améliorations notables allaient être apportées tant au profit des contributeurs pour un travail plus efficace qu’à celui des téléspectateurs pour une lecture plus agréable.
Eh bien non.
Viki a choisit de proposer quelque chose de pire.

Suis-je mauvaise langue voyant le Mal partout, Viki a peut-être voulu montrer l’exemple de ce qu’il ne faut SURTOUT pas faire lorsque l’on choisit de contribuer :

  • voler le travail des collègues,
  • écraser leur travail (sous-titres créés depuis moins d’un jour),
  • manquer de respect aux téléspectateurs,
  • etc…
    La liste ci-dessus est bien sûr non exhaustive, pour un complément d’informations se reporter aux consignes de Viki.

Je compatis à la douleur de ce qui traduisent depuis des lustres pour cette appli. :slight_smile:

                      • *-

:heart: What is Romnel’s activity? He comes, he vomits words and then he goes. No good morning, good night just S… :heart:
Is it like the entity that launched it?

Following Viki’s investigation of the subtitle editor, I thought that significant improvements would be made both for the benefit of contributors for a more efficient work and for the benefit of viewers for a more enjoyable reading.
Well, no.
Viki chose to propose something worse.

Am I a bad tongue seeing Evil everywhere, Viki may have wanted to set an example of what not to DO ESPECIALLY when you choose to contribute:

  • stealing the work of colleagues,
  • overwrite their work (subtitles created less than a day ago),
  • lack of respect for viewers,
  • etc…
    The above list is of course non-exhaustive, for further information refer to the instructions of Viki.

I feel the pain of those has been translating for ages for this app. :slight_smile:

Me compadezco del dolor de lo que traducen desde hace mucho tiempo para esta app. : )

Eu simpatizo com a dor do que traduzem por muito tempo para este app. : )


@vikicommunity My question is why start something if you’re not going to do it well, because it actually defeats the purpose, if you are going to start presubbing because of the increase in demand do it right. As a viewer just because I said I want fast subtitles doesn’t mean i want random words stapled together, it feels like you don’t respect our opinion and want to hush us. And if you had time to make poor translations you could have done better with the time. As a contributor I do not appreciate editing terrible subtitles. It’s like me being able to do a job and then it is given to someone who doesn’t know how to do it, then in the end I have to correct it. Why?

Well that’s my take on the matter and I hope you take it into consideration. I also want to say that I’ve been seeing quite some improvement in terms of English subs recently and hope you can keep it up and apply it to other languages.


Je suis comme une nouille, je n’arrive pas à corriger mon message. Il me semblait pourtant que c’était possible et l’avoir déjà fait.
■■■ : vous voudrez bien lire “Viki a choisi”. Merci :slight_smile:


This so-called three months rule doesn’t hold: on Dashing Youth, the French translating team which I moderated was translating at a normal rythm considering the release to OLs, when at episode 32, the machine took over… and “forgot” one chapter, to add insult to injury.

Whatever the ill-thought reason behind Viki’s decision, the result for the French-speaking vivewers is subtitles without rhyme nor reason: no harmonization, no understanding of the universe of the drama, mix-up of masculine and feminine, mistranslations galore, etc. By the time the editing is done, viewers have already started reading what can only be called garbage.

This situation is sad for Viki’s image and reputation, offensive for the contributors who have worked with passion to produce quality subtitles over the years, disrespectful for the viewers.

If Viki is aiming at dismantling the French subtitling community, I think their wishes will soon be fulfilled. And viewers might be disappointed enough to go and watch the shows elsewhere. Is this really the kind of result that was expected of this new policy?

I sincerely hope Viki will realize that sacrificing quality is not a good idea, and reconsider its position in this matter.


If I’m interpreting what Viki said correctly, it would mean 3 months after a video has been upoaded. Not 3 months after it has been released to OLs.

This means that if segmenting and English language team are just a tad too slow in editing, the VikiBot will take over French and Spanish.

This situation poses additional pressure on the waning number of segmenters and TEs (which are English language function only).

This also infers that the quality of not only French and Spanish (together with existing crappy auto-Portuguese), but also the quality of English language and segments themselves is endangered by the new system.

Viki will in fact become more and more like iQi- yi, rather than NX.


This becomes even worse in the case of already aired dramas, that are uploaded all episodes at once on the same day - an example has been made on this thread, of a 72-episode drama. How is the English team supposed to edit all of them in three months? Teams usually produce 2 episodes per week, let’s say they work double and produce 4 episodes per week. (Which is already very, very difficult. Most of the time it’s not possible to release more than 3 per week). Even then, to reach 72 episodes you would need 18 weeks, which is 4,5 months!
Obviously the other teams will stay behind.


Viki didn’t even let us know. Didn’t give us any chance to say or do something about it. I was open to delete them and letting you guys sub. I guess this is the early sign of our retirement from Viki.


Dear Viki, here we are, again. You mess up, again.
What is happening to French community is very unpleasant and unfair. If you want to change the work of contributors, you need (at least) to talk to them and find a solution, together. You said the projects affected are only the inactive since three months, but many volunteers say there isn’t their case.
You act as you can do what do you want because the communities will be always there, ready to support you, even if you desrecpect us. Let me remind you that viki is a VOLUNTEER platform. If you will continue on this path, you will lose all the volunteers, at least the ones who didn’t want to let their effort be vain from you. Me, even if I’m Italian, don’t want to be part of it. Please, come back to your steps and start talking to contributors.


Since these changes have been made, I hope they will update their site. This page is no longer relevant for the most popular languages.


Oh wow…
I was inactive on Discussions for some time and I’m just now catching up with the conversation.
This is terrible. I feel sorry for all the teams affected.
All the changes that are made in a community should be first talked about (to even consider if there is a point in the change) and tested in a safe envirement (from what I heard from you the bots have multiple misfunctions).


Yes Enzo is right
we were in the middle of work when the robot suddenly filled the rest


hey guys. I don’t know how to deal with this, however, I’m here to say that the Portuguese subtitles for the Battle Through the Heaven series are terrible, I gave up watching it once because of the subtitles and that was about a year ago, and I went back to see if it improved. but it didn’t improve anything. I’m on episode 21 and every episode seems bad to me, some things don’t even make sense… they were very confusing. I thought the subtitles in Portuguese were terrible, could you give this series priority? I don’t know how it works, but it’s no longer enough to watch ads… and the subtitles are terrible. I don’t know English, so I used Google Translate. I was going to take a photo of the errors, but I was blocked. Thank you.


What has changed between 2020 and today?

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Oopsie, where is the “switch”? :roll_eyes:


@mas4 - If they ever started the notification of robot subs, it has long since been discontinued.