2024 Drama/ movie Watch challenge

Are you going to participate in the challenge?
(Answers are anonymous)

P.s. even if you complete one of the challenges, you’ve participated and you have till the end of the year to join/finish :blush:

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  • No
  • Maybe
  • Not Sure
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I’ve been thinking about this ever since you posted it and I just found time to sit down and read the post properly and it sounds like a lot of fun. I need to google some terms (What is PPL and how am I not familiar with it? :joy:), but I’ll join too. I’ve also realized I can already tick some off. Hahaha! Do we share them at intervals or at the end of the year or do we post on the thread with blurs as we go? How are the rest of you going to do it? :smile:


PPL stands for product placement and you see it often in Korean / Chinese dramas where characters use a product or go to a place that usually has nothing to do with the plot, but they put in to fulfill their contract with advertisers. Some are infamous :joy:. You’ll find some examples here:

Whatever works for you :blush:
I shared mine here in a document that I keep up to date as I watch dramas :upside_down_face:


Ahhh, product placement. Got it. When they do it like that, it’s so funny for me. I’m still waiting for Kopiko to appear in a period drama. Hahahaha! :joy:

Great! Thanks! I’ll sift through what I’ve seen this year and start to organize and then share some. It’s going to be a lot of fun doing this as a group, for sure. :smile:


That’s a nifty way to keep track of it! Is it okay if I copy your sheet setup to also keep track of my progress with this challenge? :smiling_face:


Sure, no problem :blush:


gotta a question for you!
would you count prequel/sequel seasons as different dramas if they’re named differently to s1?
e.g.‘I told sunset about you’ and ‘I promised you the moon’


Different seasons each count as a different entry, even if they don’t have different names.
F.e. Yumi’s Cells S1 would count as one entry
Yumi’s Cells S2 as well.
So you can count yours as 2 separate entries :grinning:

What doesn’t count is if one season is split into 2 parts (that just counts as 1 season).


Quick question… I’ve just been organizing my list of which challenges I’ve completed, but I’m not familiar with “destinesia”. Google says when “you forget why you went to a location” and I was like “Oh, like when you cancel your Sim’s interaction and they just stand there?”. :joy: Is this what you meant too or did I misunderstand? :smile:

Btw, the spin wheels were super fun to do. I got “coughs blood” for the health one and I know there’s a drama with Ryan Ding coming soon that I’ve been considering watching, which I just know will check that one off. Hahahaha! :joy:

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Similar :joy: . Have you ever gone into a room or a different place and asked yourself: “why did I come here?” You forgot what you had to do and later it pops up in your head (if you are lucky).

I don’t have specific drama examples for it yet, but I have seen characters experience this previously :laughing:.

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Ah, yes, got it! I’ve also definitely experienced it myself. I love that there’s a word for that. Hahaha! :joy: Thanks for explaining. :heart:

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Update for #10 / B4 (I can’t edit the topic anymore)
Childhood Sweethearts changed to Childhood sweethearts / connections.
So this includes childhood friendships, classmate, being saved by the other as a child, etc. and all the other childhood tropes.