"Always" (k-movie)! Need contributors!

It’s my favorite movie and I’d like to segment for this.
Let me know if this is possible.

Sure! I’ll add you and let’s hope the channel to be approved!

Sure! Actually I can see the channel…but it seems that others can’t… so I’m waiting to have news! Anyway if nothing happens today, I’ll contact viki staff tomorrow :wink:

Ok guys, I’ve written to the viki staff today so we will know soon… :wink:

I can’t wait for the answer. Please let me know if this project will became real.

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if you need japanese i’m here :slight_smile:

I watched this movie,and I really liked it. I never tried subbing before,but I’d like to try translating it to Slovenian :slight_smile:

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Sure! Thank you! :wink:

Ok :wink: I’ll let you know if there’s a slovenian moderator so you can contact him\her if the channel will be approved :wink:

Can i be the portuguese Moderator?

Sure! I hope to receive soon an answer from viki about the channel…:wink:

Okay,Thank you!

spanish subber

If the channel will be approved, you have to contact the spanish moderator to ask this! Anyway thank you! ^^

I’ll help segment if you still need it.

Sure! Thank you! I’ll text you if the channel will be approved! Unfortunately almost all the viki staff is working for the KCON that’s why their in late :wink:

This is the answer they gave to me guys…basically it is a no for now…but since they referred it to the business team we still have good chances :wink:
I’ll keep you informed about this!
Let’s see and hope!
See you!


I would like to join the team, as the Hungarian moderator. I’ll subbing too.:slight_smile:

Have a nice day!


Hola ! , me gustaria apoyar para subtitular de Ingles a Español … Realmente dare lo mejor , porfavor consideralo :smiley:

I really appreciate your will to contribute but for now the channel has been refused so we have to wait for news!