"Always" (k-movie)! Need contributors!

Hello! I’m white_piano, maybe the Channel Manager (the channel is waiting to be approved) for the korean movie “Always

Trailer here

I’d like to know if there’s any of you intrested in contribuiting if the channel will be approved (I’ll need English Moderator and moderators for other languages as well as of segmenters and subtitlers!)
Please if you’re intrested in contributing let me know!

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I liked this movie so much that i have seen it for three or four time by now. I would like to be the subber and moderator for romanian translate. Please let me know if you agree.

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Sure! I’ll add you and you can work as soon as the channel will be approved :wink: Thank you! <3

Hello I can help as a Spanish mod. and Segger. Let me know.

Sure! As I said before to Zefira I can add you as soon as the channel will be approved! Thank you!

Hi, I could be an English Mod, subber and a translation editor for this movie.

Sure! Thank you so much! I’ll add you as soon as possible!

Hi , i’d like to be an Arabic moderator for this movie .

Sure! Thank you! I’ll let you know if the channel as been approved and I’ll add you :wink:

Volunteering as italian mod! Can I?

Certo! Siamo io e te come moderatrici italiane :wink: Spero che il canale venga approvato!

Are you still looking for segmenters?

Sure! If the channel will be approved, I need segmenters!

ok. Hoping it gets approved.

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Siiiii :smile: love to see that this movie is going to be uploaded to viki I suggested it a few days ago, count me in if you need spanish subbers.

speriamo! :slight_smile:

I’d like to see this movie on viki! Let’s hope! If the channel will be approved you can ask to join the spanish team to bagy (spanish mod)! [quote=“luzdelan, post:15, topic:2830”]
Siiiii :smile: love to see that this movie is going to be uploaded to viki I suggested it a few days ago, count me in if you need spanish subbers.


If you need Indonesian subber, count me in. :slight_smile:

Sure! I’m still waiting to know if the channal has been approved so I’ll let you all know :wink:

Can i be the german Moderator? :slight_smile: