Are you like me ? trying to lose weight but too lazy

But it’s not good for your teeth or esophagus , you should dilute it & drink with straw not to break down your teeth enamel.


Yes, that’s true, and what I used to do back then was rinse my mouth (after drinking the cider) really good. I choked if I used a straw so that wasn’t an option for me. .Also, using a straw burns the esophagus even more, and can cause painful laryngitis. Brushing too much the teeth also damages the enamel, but there’s a great toothpaste to restore enamel which my dentist recommended and I use that one rather than regular toothpaste.

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I honestly don’t believe that there is a toothpaste that can restore enamel & also don’t think that using a straw will burn the esophagus more because it’ll be diluted & the purpose of the straw is to minimize your teeth exposure to it. ACV can hurt your esophagus more if you drink it straight or drink too much of it but rinsing your mouth afterward is quite right.


The toothpaste is very expensive, but it does work since it worked for me and several of my relatives. I stopped that diet very fast since my stomach was burning too much, and I developed terrible heartburn. I’m going to delete the post since I don’t feel is worth promoting such method as a diet aid. Thanks for the suggestions.


Thanks for being so understanding , i just saw the post & thought to give a warning about the side- effects of ACV. nothing works for everyone & someone may just take a huge amount to speed up it’s effect & ending up hurting their teeth & Digestive system.


The Kimchi Squat!

I have lost 14 pounds in about 3 months because I’m drinking lots of water with ice. I get full, and eat very little, but I did buy vitamins to make up for whatever I need. We need to supplement the vitamins needed to follow a healthy form of Diet.