Asian Vloggers or Bloggers

Recently I started to watch more vloggers on youtube to find out how life is in an other country and for some usefull information. I kind of follow Eat Your Kimchi for years already and quite recently I discovered Rachel & Jun and Sharla in Japan which is so fun :blush: And I think I should check Sweetandtasty more often.

I wonder which bloggers/vloggers you follow? They don’t have to be Asian as you noticed by my examples but vlog/blog about Asian countries and their experience :smile:

I follow blogger Xiaxue she is fun and blunt, she also has videos on clicknetwork the couple in eat your kimchi are quite good at showing korean culture.
I love Professor Oh and Friends in sweetandtasty, she is hillarious with all her characters!!
I haven’t heard of the others you mentioned, will have a look!

Ummm…I actually have started my own blog just recently (I’m not trying to promote please don’t take it the wrong way :3) I’m actually trying to blog about being a K-addict sense the Korean wave has change me alot. Hahaha, but I love EatYourKimichi! :smile: