There is nice . . . and then there is “nice” . . . (moving slowly away from the dinner table while keeping an eye on the iced tea glass . . . )
There is nice . . . and then there is “nice” . . . (moving slowly away from the dinner table while keeping an eye on the iced tea glass . . . )
The Hollywood classic, not the Loona song of the same name . . .
(YouTube for all your precipitation needs . . .)
Just Something !!!
What exactly are you referring to? What are your plans inside the Eng-lang pool and what kind of questions would you like to ask?
Don’t see anything… unfortuntely except the moving ice tell me if you can see this stereogram, 3D hidden pic… I see the object/s in about 3 seconds
Yes, in the first there is something in water in the second there is rubberband on something
" A stereogram is an optical illusion of depth created from flat, two-dimensional image or images. Originally, stereogram referred to a pair of stereo images which could be viewed using stereoscope. Other types of stereograms include anaglyphs and autostereograms. Stereogram was discovered by Charles Wheatstone in 1838."
(゚ο゚人)) ! You’re good at this
Sigh! I’ll need more practice. Here’s a little ditty, and dance to cheer me up, and anyone else who can’t see through the stereograms. Sigh!
Charles Wheatstone? Why’s he popping up everywhere? I just finished studying about him and his Wheatstone Bridge in physics!
Hey! Whoever try to tell you K-Drama Addiction doesn’t have educational perks, just point them to these post, as a starter !
Yup! I’d use it for extra credit @vivi_1485
Btw, did you see them? The stereograms?
@simi11 I normally see through these type of things right away, so what I saw at first was what is actually there, so, I did see it!
the live things in the water. On the second stereogram, it took coming back to see it, but it is a bit more camouflaged, and confusing. I would tweak the hint: and say there is something in a invisible container full of rubberbands. The way he did the second stereogram is kinda weird.
It is!
I’ve learnt all sorts of things here! My latest project has me researching all sorts of aviation lingo I’m never looking at an airport the same way again!
May I ask, was it a C-Drama, currently on air?
You can pick up flying as an hobby.
I am just unable to see those things, I wear glasses and there is a bigger difference between my eyesight on the left and the right eye. Even in a 3D cinema, the effects are not as effective as they were on my youth with the lesser good technic.
The link advise to wear your glasses, if you already have glasses, so, try that! There are other skills listed in the link for seeing the stereograms, like looking through, or a bit ahead. Never try to focus on the picture, seeing the image, or in this case Hint: images is more of a reveal.
If there is one thing in life I really gave up on, then it is to see something in pictures like that. To back into a parking space, I need to make sure while passing it that there is enough space, it is always a challenge for me. I even asked my eye doctor, and he said it can be because of the difference in my eyesight.
So I tried it again, with those tips today, to no avail, so be happy if you find anything to look at. It does not work for me.
Well, it is a rather challenging couple of stereograms. I saw the first, and doubted myself, because I thought I should see something big, and dominant. In these, the things hidden, are not like one piece. The second was revealed, after I left, and returned. It’s something that shows itself, verses you defining what it is, in other words, (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ mind, over matter.