Badges: Who thought they were a good idea, and where do you go to earn some of them?

No worries, just come on over to “the dark side”! :hatching_chick:


There’s one badge here in discussions that might give fans pause to obtain. But! :wink: I’m here to tell you, think of this fun :notes: song from :jamaica: Jamaica, when it is justifiable to grab this badge. :rofl: And, go get your badge! :laughing::joy::sob::rofl:
Here is Miss. Lou :butterfly::dove::white_heart: singing, and explaining the lyrics.

The badge in question, is of course,
(⁠*⁠❛⁠‿⁠❛⁠)⁠→ this one! - First Flag. :arrow_down:


Jamaican Musical Chairs!

Getting a First Flag badge is truly odd. Who would be proud to get that? Nobody wants to have to call a post to anyone’s attention because it is questionable.

If anyone wants to get that badge, I can oblige by creating a post that is questionable according to the discussion board community standards algorithm:

I love ■■■■■■■! It’s a great source of C-dramas, K-dramas, doramas, T-dramas,etc.

I love ■■■■■■■! It’s a great source of C-dramas, K-dramas, doramas, T-dramas,etc.

I love ■■■■■■■! It’s a great source of C-dramas, K-dramas, doramas, T-dramas,etc.

I love ■■■■■■■! It’s a great source of C-dramas, K-dramas, doramas, T-dramas,etc.

I love ■■■■■■■! It’s a great source of C-dramas, K-dramas, doramas, T-dramas,etc.

Don’t forget to mail me a jar of kimchi when you get your badges.

And if a person can get a Second Flag badge, that means either a frequent poster is not playing by the rules and causing a lot of disruption, or the flagger (not to be confused with a segger or a subber) is the cranky helmoni in It’s Beautiful Now and is flagging posts so she has something to do while eating breakfast.

OR . . . there is a really wack high school girl gang lurking somewhere in the Viki community.

(Webtoon screen cap)

And if you want a Second Flag, help yourself to or more of these:

(Google search screen cap)


Haha! It is somewhat. Your keen perception! :laughing: :joy:
I wanted to convey the message of :notes: " 'memba a play wi dey play!" :notes:

1 Like

Over the years there have been:

-some wackos
-some who tried to use others for their own gain
-some who invited us to bet and click on unknown, likely malicious links
-some who insulted other volunteers for no good reason
-some who posted public information, targeting a specific volunteer
-some who targeted the minorities
-and some who didn’t stick to any topic they were posting into, having their own agenda/chip on their shoulder.

So, yes, it is a good badge to have. It means we’re watching out for each other in this digital jungle.


Yes, take it easy, remember that nothing is that serious, and have fun. Viki is supposed to be a community of like-minded people who want to share the Asianese love. There should never be a reason for a first flag, or a second, or a third.

And hey, how does one point out a supposedly troublesome post to a moderator?


I totally understand THAT aspect of First Flag. But it’s sad that it is necessary to motivate community members to support one another.

Why get noticed for what should be habitual and second nature?


I’ve been on Discussions for a while now. And until now nobody noticed or publicly commented that a badge like that even exists :joy:

Or by “noticed” do you mean “given credit to”?

I don’t know. It might be one of those “let’s teach them that they can flag bad stuff by motivating them with a badge” things.


I so agree!


Mostly, it’s the excitement of finding like minded people. :blush:


You know, now that I think of it . . . duh. There are a lot of cultural aspects to how people express approval and disapproval, and some people would never think of saying anything obvious or direct about problems. Such as . . . who are those folks that wrap rice in seaweed and pickle cabbage? The Germans? (Just a little cross-cultural silliness there . . .)

I come out of cultures that started the American Revolution. I forget which colony or militia used a flag with the motto “Don’t tread on me,” but when I think something unkind or stupid is going on in my social circles, I often snarl before I think.


For kimchi, I say, “Gamsahabnida from the world’s oldest subbing maknae.”

The last time I had kimchi was, I think, when I made it back in the early part of 2021. I combined a recipe I saw on a Maangchi YouTube video with one from a cooking blog.

It came out pretty good but I could not let it sit long enough to develop some real probiotic, fire-breathing goodness.

(Gwangju News website screen cap)


Ah! Yes! I’m stoking the flames again. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:
We have a Wiki 10, Anyone care to make it eleven, twelve, and so on?
The Wiki ten, from the year 2021.
Com’on folks, be brave, there’s a badge just waiting for the taking, it is a real badge.


But it didn’t capture my edit. I tried again recently and it still didn’t capture it since I still don’t see the badge. Sigh.

Psst: I’m going to try the “First Flag” next lol. Pardon me if I “use” your post for the “gain” :wink:


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: Try making that :point_up_2:t5: post a wiki. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: We’ve holders of gold among us, we’ll make sure you get that bronze. :grin::grin::grin:


I guess they want us to translate it :joy:

(wait, how does this work anyway?)

(I don’t know!)

(Who does?)


이거 봐요! Look at this! :wink::ok_hand:t5:


Ohhhhh, I see… :open_mouth:

Bwahahaha! I don’t know what I did, but it had nothing to do with Wikipedia at all.


축하해요!! Congratulations!! You did it! You’re now on the awarders podium, and leading (Edit: Ha! We all know what happened when the bot burped.) the next obtainers of this badge.

Hmmm🤭 about that wikipedia

• It has nothing to do with it, as it turns out.
• Now you’ll need to pretend you have no clue about the wiki you just made. If you don’t, :joy: even better.
Don’t ever touch that tool on the wiki you, or anyone else makes, ever again, or make another wiki. Trust me, these are words from experience. The date of your award depends on it.
• Act like you don’t even know where the wiki you made is!
Others can edit a created wiki, or :wink: create their own, then edit it, :wink: in order to obtain the badge.

Maybe they’ll have other initiatives, or drop the count back to it’s original set goal for sure! They pretty much should drop it regardless.


This badge is going to be crazy to get, thanks to the Seg-Subtember. We are talking about at least 13.000 likes in 20 days:


Did they decrease the max amount of hearts to give after Seg-Subtember?