Baeksang Arts Awards 2020

Hello everyone :heart:

Hope this fine weather finds you well!

I wanted to open up a discussion about the upcoming huge awards night in Korea. I’ve never watched events like this, not even the one for Hollywood, but I’m really so interested for Baeksang that will be held on June 5th. Is there a way for us to witness it live?
I have cast my vote of course, I hope you guys have too :slight_smile:


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How where can we vote?

I honestly hadn’t even heard of it yet. If it’s possible, I will watch.

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You can go to their Baeksang Official account in tiktok, click on the link under their bio and vote. You may also download the baeksang app.


You can watch the awards livestreamed on Vlive on June 5 KST starting at 5 pm. Please check what time and day that is for you. For me that is June 4 at 10 pm.


Thank you, not sure what would that be in Montreal but I’ll figure it out. :heart:

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