Becoming a Regular

Too bad there is nobody around who can do what Lee Sun Gyun does in the movie Kingmaker: Fox in the Election (as an influencer in Korean politics from the sixties to the nineties). (Great movie. Classic, dimpled, historical, political, metrosexual hottie!)

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We seem to have a PI regular/leader on the loose. :disguised_face: :rofl: With the ability to lock :lock: topics. :rofl:

@mary19c11, @deval_chloe,
Check your trust levels on your profile, and under badges:
!Viki Discussions


This badge is granted when you reach trust level 1. Thanks for sticking around and reading a few topics to learn what our community is about. New user restrictions have been lifted; you’ve been granted all essential community abilities, such as personal messaging, flagging, wiki editing, and the ability to post multiple images and links.


This badge is granted when you reach trust level 2. Thanks for participating over a period of weeks to truly join our community. You can now send invitations from your user page or individual topics, create group personal messages, and have more likes per day


This badge is granted when you reach trust level 3. Thanks for being a regular part of our community over a period of months. You’re now one of the most active readers, and a reliable contributor that makes our community great. You can now recategorize and rename topics, take advantage of more powerful spam flags, access a private lounge area, and you’ll also get lots more likes per day.

If you’re not above Basic, there are plenty of restrictions. baepsae29 recently had to contact the help desk to get her member status manually updated. When she checked her trust level, she qualified for member, but the bot still had her at basic. :woman_shrugging:t5:
Viki’s discussions uses the discourse’s trust levels, read up more here:
!Understanding Discourse Trust Levels

Yes, as noted by lutra, all three trust levels are restricted to three successive post, without another’s reply.


I’ve been reading a bit, I guess what blocks me from Regular is I’m almost never creating topics :sweat_smile:
Still I should have “Member”


Nope, it’s not creating topics. Read up on the link. :wink: Maybe contact the help desk to state that you do qualify for member, and regular trust level.


Not sure to understand " Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25%"
But for the rest I can be qualified for “Regular”
Could a staff member help me understanding? @brendas


Check your status under your profile here in Discussions. It looks like you should be at the member, and regular status too. . .


You mean this?


Or system glitches? Anyway, good to know. I had no idea about that at all.
I think I should have been a “regular” already, too. But, oh well… no worries. It doesn’t matter. I’m more interested in cute badges haha… :rofl:


Yup, and this info from your status:



writing no more than 3 comments in a row is not bound to the level you are at I am a regular and get that warning too, so it’s just a normal thing. The only thing you can do to write more is edit one of the comments and add what you wanted to say in the next comment.


Is that true? I mean, someone can just edit our posts/rename a topic we create? That’s worrysome and would be a complete lack of respect towards writer’s opinions and against our rights of free speech. I hope I’ve understood it wrongly.

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Moderators for discussions to ensure respect are needed. Stepping all over one’s rights because we do not think alike it’s just an invitation to go away from any site where we aren’t respected as individuals by deleting/editing our right to have opinions of our own.
It’s non-negotiable. We live in democratic countries, internet should be a democratic place as well.

Looking at the current stats does not prove consistency for Regular level. @deval_chloe would need to gain Regular from Member as that can also be dropped back to Member level.
I got Regular in June '21 when I was really active in the Badges topic but dropped back to Member for about a year and only regained Regular 7 days ago with all the invite activities, but that is not reflected in my summary stats that only looks at total numbers with no way of distinguishing which numbers pertain to the last 100 days.

You may have reached that level and lost it again like I did, it doesn’t notify you when getting demoted. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It’s no longer an option.

Most of the time, people “only” tried to erase grammar or typo issues in the header, but this can also be taken care of with writing to the topic creator and make them aware.
The headers and only the headers could be edited by regulars (what makes it a limited number of people), there was no option about changing the complete post, so it was never about cutting the freedom of speech. Talking about freedom of speech, well one should be aware of the guidelines of Viki, so if a topic/comment of yours should “vanish” somehow, then it most certainly conflicted with those.


What I wrote there was from back in 2022 that I wrote about my experience with the regular badge and several individuals going into my post and ‘‘editing’’ stuff I wrote and ACTUALLY although I had a regular badge once those individual ‘‘touched’’ my TOPIC I was not able to do anything since I was somehow ‘‘locked’’ out of my own topic.

Talking about freedom of speech, well one should be aware of the guidelines of Viki, so if a topic/comment of yours should “vanish” somehow, then it most certainly conflicted with those.

It was bc back then I exercised my FREEDOM OF SPEECH that people were stopped from picking on me; and doing things that were also considered not following viki guidelines, but of course you may not see it that way. That’s all in the past, fairly corrected by viki staff, and I hope it stays that way forever. Even paid staff members should inform the person writing any topic the reason of their actions whether is editing or closing their topic WHICH they very respectfully do now. They even give us now the option of editing the ‘‘flagged’’ comment so it won’t get completely deleted that was never an option in the past. CHANGES have been done very fairly and positive for everyone here at discussion.


Perfect! Thank you for your kind explanation.

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Thank you for answering me ^^

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This thread has that same curiosity. :rofl:



You are very welcome; and Thanks for the blessings we all need that so much. May you and your family be blessed with all the wonderful things life has to offer.