Best romantic dramas?

hi everyone!

so im a total sucker for romantic dramas but im so sick of starting so many so-called romance dramas for it to turn out that the main couple have no chemistry whatsoever and there only being like one closed lip - open eye “kisses” in the finale like… really though??

so if you guys could tell me the dramas that actually made you swoon could you please tell me!! im in desperate need!!! (they dont need to be kdramas - dramas from any country is fine, i just put it in this category for easiness :kissing_heart:)


Queen in Hyun’s Man has to have some of the best kissing scenes to date they actually fell in love during the filming and became a RL couple though sadly they did break up I believe last year :’(

Fated to Love You

Greatest Love

Master’s Sun

My Love From The Star

Secret Garden

Personal Taste

I Hear Your Voice

My Girlfriend is a Gumiho

Full House Thai version

and there are a TON more I am missing but there’s a few just of the top of my head hope that helps :smile:

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What…wait, I think you missed the GREATEST drama of the ALL…wait for it…SECRET!!!

Then Coffee Prince, oh, yeah, Playful Kiss!

coffee prince was so amazing i loved it so much. I’ve never seen secret!! ill watch that as soon as i can omg

hmmmm Secret how the heck did I miss that one I’ll jump on that bandwagon also and check it out if it beat out Coffee Prince!! :stuck_out_tongue:

@semoi4 I don’t really think about Secret like a romantic drama. Their relationship is a little bit scary in the beginning (stairs scene)… even if there are cute moments etc., it’s a little bit dark.


Have you seen Marriage, not Dating? It’s a good romance, but also a lot of fun. And if you have the patience, I’d recommend Inborn Pair - it takes a loooong time for the couple to get anywhere, but it’s also very sweet.

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Lately I’m watching Healer, and I’m loving it! It’s a great plot, I recommend it! :smile:

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I absolutely adored My Love from Another Star…
And the ending scene in Scholar Who Walks the Night was the most romantic scene I’ve ever watched on a Kdrama.

Gotta be “A Witch’s Romance” <3 I love this drama <3