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I think so too. You can watch it and you’ll probably enjoy it but I don’t think you can rewatch it. At least I won’t ever be able to rewatch heirs…

Yes City Hunter and Faith even Personal Taste a lot better than the other two, ( if you are mad into LMH ) HAhaha, sorry to offend but BOF and HEIRS are my bottom list just plain stupid. Terrible scripts. Two eye candy for me.
Like my men more masculine.

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or my “feet would itch” as soo hyun put it (doctor stranger):

or this:

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I recently thought of a scene in the heirs so I looked it up to confirm if I remembered it right. Then I was like “hmmm i could just continue watching?” but then I was like psh nahhhhhh I’m good.

LOL my cousin is currently watching heirs and I was watching with her (I was forced) like 30min and then I was like “I am sooooo bored”. Walked away as soon as I could