“The Untamed” is coming to the world, THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
Hello! I’ve been posting a bit about this drama in this board lately, but now I found out that this drama, with Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo should come out today according to the weibo page! I’m so excited I can barely believe this! But regardless of the time, please please please help me rquest this through the request form ^
The Untamed belongs to the wuxia genre and is a drama in 45 episodes inspired to “Mo dao zu shi”, a BL novel by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (totally worth reading, I loved it to death!!). Unfortunately, I believe the drama won’t mantain the BL couple, but the cast is good and the plot is extremely interesting, so I hope people will help asking the license if the fan channel will be set up!
Source: https://www.weibo.com/u/5921252454
For info about the drama: https://mydramalist.com/28723-the-untamed
Request form: https://vikiinc.wufoo.com/forms/title-request-form/
How to fill: Title > The Untamed; What country is this title from? > China; Type of Video > TV Show; Your country (where are you located)? > Insert your country’s name.
Thank you for your help!
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Guess what? It is COMING SOON to Viki! YAY!!! I took a sneak peak at the first two episodes today (on Chinese site) and I’m blown away!
I love the novel too! It’s one of very few that could emote so very well! Although it’s rumored that the drama is a loose adaptation of the novel, I hope the drama would not disappoint, even if the BL factor (a huge factor, in fact) is dampened or disregarded. I guess I will seek out the anime, or re-read the novel, if that were to happen. lol.
I hope it is not completely romance-free 
Oh it already has an episode online wow
that’s great!
I thought it just has a Fanchannel yet.
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OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I’ve been checking on viki countless times, when did they start uploading this?! I’m am so happy I could cry!! I saw the first episodes and they are so good I can feel the novel’s feelings crashing on me already. I can see some changing here and there, but it generally looks so good from these first episodes that it feels safe to at least hope for a good adaptation.
Yeah, they did say it’s a loose adaptation of the novel, and we probably won’t see as much BL romance as in the original story, but the wangxian relationship built by wang yibo and xiao zhan looks already good, I am smitten with them already ^
AGAIN, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REPLYING TO THIS I AM SCREAMING SO HARD RIGHT NOW, it’s amazing to find fellow fan of the novel here ^
I didn’t even know they had uploaded it yet, though I checked every day on viki. But damn, I am so happy to see it right now it doesn’t matter!!
It’ll probably have a lot less romance than the novel, but as I said in the previous comment, the chemistry between the two lead actors seems good so far, so we will at least have a bit of that ^
I just hope they won’t turn this into a boy-girl romance, that’d anger me so much!! Especially if it involves a possible Wei Ying/Wen Qing relationship! I absolutely love her character but WEI YING AND LAN ZHAN ARE ABSOLUTE.
Okay, yeah, I’ll tone down the fangirling now xD
Do you have a link to the official trailer?
I tried to find it on youtube but only found a trailer to a strange movie (looked like horror movie x.x) and fan made trailers with only pictures.
The costumes on the pictures look great but I’d like to see a trailer too so I can watch it until the first episode has subs on VIKI.
(The lead characters look like being a manga figure that has come to life :D)
I like this aspect about C fantasy dramas. They are quite good in choosing actors who fit to a fantasy atmosphere 
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I haven’t specifically seen a trailer, but on the weibo page of the drama there are lots of snippets from the drama, so maybe we’ll find a trailer somewhere in there? I’ll check, too!!
Yes they do! ** They are so cute together I feel grateful every time I look at them. Yeah, thankfully chinese drama of this genre seem to really know how to bring characters from a novel to life in the best way, I feel relieved! 
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I love both the Novel and Donghua, and before I saw the first episode I felt a little bit uneasy with the idea of a toned down BL relationship and a change ofbplot, but… After I saw it I got hooked!
I saw the rest of the episodes and trust me, WangXian is there but it’s the sexualtension and the bromance andvthe action+mistery that makes it absolutely AMAZING!
I do rescommend that you just stay with the isea that WangXian love is in the Live Adapt. And just see it as a an AU in the same MDZ world.
There are some (various of stuff:sweat_smile:
) that was changed but trust me as a hardcore fangirl I am in love with it and the boys chemistry,
Plus… THEY ARE GORGEOUS! especially. WeiJing:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I hope you enjoy it!
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Not really a trailer but good as info/first look though (and he says ppl can watch it on VIKI):
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Somwhow when I click on the link I see weibos main page and then there is a header with changing pictures and some other pictures, but I don’t see what you mean?
Is it a picture can you only link that? Or a video?
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Yup, it’s a video! That’s strange, when I use that link I can see the trailer. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find it on youtube x.x
Try here?
Or is facebook okay, too?
I’ll try to download it and see if I can post it here somehow!
EDIT: try here if you still can’t see it!
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Me too!! I can consider the novel I’ll hold dear anyway, and enjoy the drama for what it is.
It’s brilliant so far!! There are so many cute, flirty interactions between the two leads, I squeel happily at every episodes! Those two will definitely be my death!!!
Yup, let’s do that! 
Thank you, facebook works, weibo never, don’t know why.
The trailer is so cool.VIKI should upload it to the drama’s channel as well 
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Yes it is!
If I knew the trailer before, I’d definately wanna watch & participate 
I sent it to the whole team now in case some don’t know it / don’t read the forums.
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Thank you for doing that, I really hope they’ll upload it on viki ;D
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Just the trailer (again) since for some not every page/link is working. This one is the link to the Chinese Youtube channel: