Can the Video Counter be Reset?

Hey There!
I am not sure if this is the place to place this question. It seems more technical Viki should be answering this question… but then a fellow user is a better bet definitely. :wink:

So here is the question…if I want to see a drama once again mind you I have already watched the entire series once, how do I set the entire list of episode from watched to ready for watching…?

Ah! I know it is confusing…but if you don’t understand it then, I can explain it further…the art of explaining is so far away.

Anyway thanks for reading the topic and absolutely thankful if you could answer it.

Bye - SVS

Yes, I am a bit puzzled by the question …
I don’t think there is such an option.
Just start at episode 1 …

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You can manually reset all the episodes. I often do this for shows I dropped watching and decide to watch once again.
You can enter all the episodes and slide the bar to 00:00 and that’s it. It won’t work really perfectly but you’ll still have watch markers the next time you decide to watch. This method can be hectic if you decide to watch a 60 episodes drama.

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Yeah, it is when you have completed a 50-60 episodes drama and you want to see it again from the beginning. As per system records you have already seen the video. So, the video shows blue line throughout it indicates that the episode is watched completely. So each time I have to clear the blue line by clicking at the beginning of the blue bar for reloading of the episode from the beginning. Sorry I am a little baffled myself.

Thank you twinkling…I think the last resort is to manually reset it with Auto play switched off. So that way you have control over the next episode.

I’ve also noticed that if you’ve completely finished watching a video and then click on it again, it resets back to 00:00 time…the video will show a full blue line, but once you click on it again, it resets automatically.
clicking on any one of these will start the video at 00:00. If i use the image forward button inside ep 5, it goes to 00:00 of Ep 6.

This is how I rewatch dramas without having to manually do anything.
idk if this is helpful but I’m just saying…:sweat_smile:


Yup helps definitely…let me try… thank you though! :smile:

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si je te suis bien, tu demande si une liste " à revoir" existe sur viki?
Je ne crois pas que cette option existe ici, mais c’est vrai que cela pourrait-être utile, mais pourquoi ne pas te créer une collection de séries que tu veux revoir?

if I follow you well, you ask if a “to review” list exist on viki?
I don’t believe that option exists here, but it’s true that it could be useful, but why not create a collection of series that you want to see again?

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no, she is talking about the video counter-- that blue line which shows where you stopped watching so you can continue watching from the point you left. image

she wanted to know if we can reset it back to 00:00 time so she can re-watch the whole drama again from the beginning