Censored subtitles that affect the watching experience

Okay, sorry.I take it back. I am getting a head ache and read your comment wrongly …
I think, I should get some fresh air.
Have a nice day.^^

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And now I’m going to put a twist out there.

I live in Scandinavia and here watching sex on TV is more or less fine, but strong curse words are very uncommon :smile:


Soooo… it’s a “show don’t tell” thing? :slight_smile:

The use of Viki is supposed to be for over 18 (yes, it was me in that discussion), but the dramas and most films are all for over 15 (if you watch carefully you will see it in the first few seconds on the screen).

Sex scenes and violence? Weeeellll… Both are pretty tame in kdramas, and even more tame in c-dramas. Taiwanese ones are a bit more realistic but still not comparable to what we call sex and violence in Western entertainment.
In films everything is a different, but viki is not really so much about films, there are very few of them.

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I meant content where the age rating is specifically 18+. I don’t see the point in turning “a**hole” into “dude” when heads are being bashed into walls.

Most dramas don’t contain much swearing anyway, so there’s no need for me to translate something “offensive”. It’s another type of content for another type of audience, there’s room for everyone.

I’m so acquainted with the first few seconds (network and rating), that I sometime whistle the jiggle. :slight_smile:

P.S. If there’s a discussion in the forums about the appropriate age for Viki users, I’ll make very, very certain to stay away from it. :slight_smile:

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We had a wonderfully educational discussion some time ago about this. I was curious about those insults we hear all the time in k-dramas.

**개새끼 gaesaekki (pronounced kaesaekki)**Everybody, including gangsters and people who really really despise and hate each other, seemed to use kae-saekki (-ya) as the harshest insult in the world. So I dug more only to find out that it literally means. ʺSon of a dogʺ Derived from 개[gae] meaning ‘dog’ and 새끼.(= baby). And that “saekki” is indeed used lovingly by mothers for their babies!
미친새끼 mi-chin-sae-ki (usually translated as crazy bastard, crazy asshole). Literally “crazy baby”. Does not mean literallly bastard, as in “illegitimate child”. It’s just a generic insult.

For women:

미친년 mi-chin-nyeon Crazy girl/crazy bitch /crazy wentch. "Combination of the verb미치다[michida] ‘to be crazy’ and 년[nyon], pejorative slang for ‘girl’ (but not necessarily of loose morals)
Try to sub in context. "
기지배/기집애/ gi-ji-bae (prn. kicchi bae) usually translated as “you girl” or “wench”
It is almost a synonym of ‘girl’. It does not mean bitch or who*e! It’s not considered as a nice word, and people don’t like being called that, but it’s not taken as an insult. Much more common among not-so-well-mannered or uneducated people. You can use this word toward people you are very familiar with: usually between girls who are close friends (from kids to middle age), or a mother to her daughter. You use this word when you don’t like what your close friend or daughter does. When scolding or blaming, but sometimes in a friendly, joking way.

So all these are really milder than the translations. What is really offensive are all the Korean insults which start from “shib…”, which involve intercourse and such.

I usually avoid swear words in dramas. I don’t like either hearing them nor reading them. And reading is not the same as hearing, it is much more impactful than hearing. If you hear it, it immediately goes away, but the subtitle will stay on for your eyes to “enjoy” and sink in for a few seconds more.
I find asterisks ridiculous: saying without saying, it’s hypocritical and coy and … just bleah! You might as well write the whole thing! If we really want to substitute, frankly I prefer to do it like in comic books, #$%^!!@*&%! Because this implies “the worst insults you can imagine”, and it’s fun!
I have gone to great lengths to make lists of alternatives to the usual 2-3 insults people use in real life, which are used so often and so freely that they have totally lost their meaning.
However, I give free rain to translators in films. For instance there was a film, “Fasten your seatbelts”, where one character curses all the time, very heavily. And another one, “Sunny” (one of the most wonderful films I’ve watched here, I warmly recommend it) where one of the girls was known as the Queen of Swear Words and she was so inventive! Of course you cannot censor these, the film would lose all impact.


You misunderstood. It wasn’t about our opinion on appropriate age. We were discussing viki Terms of Use, and I was telling someone not to reveal their being 13 or so because they might (maybe) get into trouble, because better safe than sorry.
The first sentence reads:

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I’d just like to point out that people who rely on subs (either because they don’t know the language or they are hard of hearing) will read and not hear by default. So, it’s basically the same to me. if a Korean person aged 19 can hear it when they watch the movie, a Greek person aged 19 can read it when they read my subs.

My problem is people’s mileage may vary about what is considered “worst”. I’d like the original translator (Kor- Eng) to not make that decision for the rest of us.

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Oh, okay. I’m so far away from my 18th birthday, this sentence doesn’t even register anymore…


What I was saying just now is that the native person who hears it will hear it only for half a second, whereas the person reading it will have it in front of their eyes for maybe 4 seconds or more, depending on how long the whole sentence is.

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Yes, I got that, but it’s like saying deaf persons experience everything they read much more powerfully than the ones that hear the same things, and I don’t agree with that.

But we just have different opinions about that, it’s ok.


It is the same logic as blurring the screen with squares to hide knives, guns or intestines when an adult person watches a movie/drama. It annoys me.

If I wanted to watch a family-safe love story I’d go watch a family-safe love story. When I choose to watch a movie about violent narco-gang wars where people don’t talk like Oxford graduates, I don’t like being treated as an underage person and have my modesty been taken care of.

Not that Viki ever brings any serious crime/thriller shows, especially after the Fan Channels Hunt, but anyway…


The blurring of knives, guns, and gore is a Korean drama thing that is compliant with the LAW. It cannot be helped.

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The Law doesn’t always make sense, though…


Like most things :stuck_out_tongue:

But they can pull the show etc. so it is better to comply with the law.


I prefer 1.000.000 blurred knifes than an endless rotation of rom-coms!!!

Heck, blur the forks if you have to!


In a rom-com, the subtitlers put $%#$^$#^$#^$# because I think they truly did not know what the word was. I listened and I knew what it was. To their credit, it was an NC17 NSFW word. We want them to know it so I put it in.

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Really? I thought most romcoms beep NSFW words.

That was the problem. So I put it in anyway :smiley:

What is NC17 NSFW?