Hello there, this is my first post in the discussion board, so please be easy on me. Well i wanted to spread the news that a new period drama from TTV has just premiered last week, its name is Chun Mei or also known as Haru, it tells the story of a girl becoming nurse and bearing hardships during Japanese colonization of Taiwan in 1920s, of course it is just a very short summary as the story looks some kind long. It airs at 8.00 pm local time. I’ve seen the first episodes and, wow that drama is very good, i really hope it soon gets subbed by viki. If anybody is interested here are a couple of pics.

[New] I think it would be proper to post the official trailer for this drama. Hope all of you enjoy!. (Note: it worth to watch in its entirety.)
I submitted the channal for Haru. So we only need waiting the channel approvaled. 
Hello there. Yay! its great to see that it might be soon being picked up by viki, although not confirmed yet. Anyway, it might be odd for a boy (like me) who enjoys dramas to have this kind of request.
Why would it be odd that a boy enjoying the dramas? You are not alone, but many people do not undertake openly. Or, does that mean that you have good taste! 
When I get information about this drama from the VIKI staff, I will write to you!
I don’t know why other men aren’t so outspoken to say they like dramas. Although i had some other fellow classmates who also said that they enjoyed them. Thank you for mentioning about me having good taste.
i’ll be looking forward to get news from this drama, so far i still watch it on TTV and let met tell you, although i commend that the trailer is good, it doesn’t show how good this is getting. After watching a couple of episodes it reminded me watching a pre-2000 miniseries, so classy!. I haven’t seen a show like this in ages. Best regards.
This drama had just ended a couple of days ago and still not any news about its subs. What a great story i enjoyed it all. Hope it gets translated soon or get some attention from viki staff. Cheers everyone.
I really really recommand this drama as a Taiwanese person
it is actually a Taiwanese Soap Opera with content related to Japanese colonia era of Taiwan
beside it reflects on a very improtant part of our history
It is also the only Soap Opera that is Actually GOOD in Years