Community Discussions Badges 🟫

      ✨ 🟀🀎🟫 βœ¨πŸ˜„  βšͺ⬜🀍 ✨
  Community, Discussions Badges! 

Not as glorified as the Volunteer badges,
but here for attainment nonetheless!
I like getting them too :relieved::partying_face::star_struck:

There are badges like the email
:white_circle::incoming_envelope::e-mail::incoming_envelope::brown_circle: badge that seems unavailable,
what gives?乁( β€’_β€’ )ㄏ

I turned on to receive email, but I can’t reply?

From: Anthony Parker via Viki Discussions <discussions>
Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 12:15 PM
To: <>
Subject: [Viki Discussions] [TV & Movies/K-Dramas] Where are all the men ? I can’t be the only one into K-Drama


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110 posts were merged into an existing topic: Badges: Who thought they were a good idea, and where do you go to earn some of them?