Consumerism - Household debt and embracing minimalism

We could also talk about marketing techniques to make us buy!






Or when you go to IKEA or some shops and you only have 1 way to exit, so you saw almost all the products they sell :slight_smile:



This one would have the opposite effect on Dutch people!
To me the price just went from 1 dollar and about 70 cents to 1699 dollar! :rofl:


That’s what I also thought, for a moment. Then I remembered they use commas as digit separators.
You must think this in European terms, not with comma but with a point.
1.699 euros vs. 1699 euros.


I’ve often heard about this “credit score” but the actually meaning isn’t quite clear. China has it’s social credit which gives you benefits for “Good behavior” so is it similar, but in a financial sense?
Sorry if it’s a dumb question :slight_smile:

Yeah, that’s why I think privacy is important, even though google ads don’t kill you they still affect your life in such ways as you describe.

Makes sense, if you think about it news and ads are meant to be perceived differently. Ads are meant to be remembered and associated with brands while News is there to evoke some momentary feeling or just for an informative purpose.


From the same iconography, there are other examples too:




I didn’t know it was called the “Gruen transfer”.
For water, we have to go at the back of the supermarket.
When we enter a supermarket, colorful fruits are at the beginning or a central space.
Yeah, clothes shops have music.
I fall for buy 1, get 1.
I don’t like when they put the timing left before the end of their sales event, that creates “emergency”.

" 21. Act like a Doctor

Do your buyers open up to you?

As humans, we enjoy talking with people that ask insightful questions that help us open up and share details about ourselves.

Researchers at Harvard studied what happens in our brains when we discuss information about our favorite subject - ourselves. The researchers showed that talking about ourselves is linked to pleasure, and that it improved not just our self-perception, but also our perception of the person we are talking to. This is why doctors are perceived as trustworthy, respected and friendly – because they tend to ask questions that you wouldn’t normally answer to others.

Salespeople who ask insightful questions to their buyers create a more enjoyable buying experience, which helps increase sales."


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Oh, I prefer to know when it ends, so that I can think: “Well, I could buy it tomorrow/next week/next month.” If I don’t know, I might think right now is my only chance … :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lol that’s why I unsuscribe from shopping mails. They still find a way to send mails, but decluterring mails or see less shopping mails in the mailbox in the morning or throughout the day, the feeling I got is :ok_hand:. Less temptations too!


Can’t agree with you more Facebook/YT comments use to have a negative effect on me, so getting out was the best thing I ever did in my life. There are weirdos on FB that everything you post they take it personally, even if they were never posted there relating to them.

What made me get out of FB was that everything you add there becomes their property so i felt betrayed when i couldn’t delete my own pictures i had on the page. Once you close the account pictures and all are deleted forever so I can finally sleep in peace not wondering what they can do with my grandkids pics.

Yeah, agree. Though yours and my pictures may still be there, their just not public. It’s called shadow profiling. I think you should be able to remove pictures, posts etc. especially if it’s something embarrasing or bad said/done in once youth, which isn’t you today.


no wonder it’s also called “Fraudbook”… it’s gotten so bad… including many websites that want you to agree to so many cookies under the disguise of “security” which is in fact trailing you and wasting money for all the third parties company to analyze you or perhaps they make even money from you without you knowing… sadly internet isn’t anymore what it used to be… it’s a footprint shadowing compared to gestapo… I believe it started with 9/11 long time ago we could read about the nsa compound in Utah that has built all kinds of storages and servers to retain all kind of info and data and phone calls, to run this facility back then it cost 1 million U$ per month for the electricity usage… if you google it, you might still find that info.

We are just a puppets of capitalism and economy, without economy what else can we live on… perhaps going back to the roots, the age of kings and pheasants is coming, you won’t keep much and give a lot or everything… where is middle class?


Well I try to live my life on my terms, not caring about all the different -isms as far as possible. :slight_smile:


A worthy topic. Dollars, and cents, better yet :smile:sense!
Tips you can use, :money_mouth_face: :bank: :atm: :money_mouth_face: Financially

This is Truth!
Prices of Basic needs should be capped!

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Housing

:moneybag: Money :moneybag:
:coin: Nuggets :coin:

This is consumerism - it’s an entertaining watch.

Recycling, recovery, reconditioning, reuse - it has been done since ancient times and is also valid in present …
When you can’t afford new things, but you can refurbish and reuse old things, a visit to flea markets/junk shops can be a saving solution.
I like old things and only if I feel a special attraction, something that seems to be calling me, I buy, normally only what my budget allows… Many old things, things that I bought from flea markets, have been refurbished and reused. Moreover, some of them have found new owners. I like to bring them back to life or give them another life.This is my hobby.
At the flea market

  • old vase made of white clay and shards (approximately 100 years after the black color on the surface / the difference from the broken clay and the ceramic models, of course, it is made by hand, without firing in a ceramic oven).

Of course, it must be cleaned, the cracks repaired and then I will apply a layer of protective varnish.



I think you might like a few of these posts.

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Decluttering is best done one small step at a time.


I found these shares to fall into one, two, or all of this thread’s opened topic. Hope you find them applicable! Enjoy!

:bouquet: Loved her floral arrangement in that strawberry vase! :strawberry: And her energy! :zap::star2::zap:

:wink::+1:t5: Healthy eats, boost your workout to the max, while satisfying your gut craves, and appetite.

Yes! DiannaInKorea! Your change in what you eat, and workout routine has shown it’s fruits! :dart:
What a lovely way to celebrate! Dancing, and Music! Stinking cute! Love it! :heart:
Now, let’s go back to showing off our natural hair! :fire:

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It does look cute and my strawberries in garden are starting to ripen… my grandson ate the first one red :rofl: but talking about consumerism… I rather go to thrift store to see if I find something, usually it’s cheap and it gets reused…

The salad looks yummy!!
I’m having almost every day onion… I had to harvest them since they spiked in bloom, so greens go in freezer and the onion root cooking or in salad…

I want to plant also sweet potatoes, need to find a spot…in the garden lot…

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