"Designated Segmenter?"

If you try segmenting on some channels, it says you must be a “designated segmenter” on the channel. I was wondering how that works. Is there a way to do this to your channel or is it for certain channels?

Designated segmenter means you need to be added as one through the “manage channel” team settings.

It’s not a default thing. In fact, I think most channels don’t have it.
If you’d like it for your channel(s), you’ll have to message in to the help center and request for it. Tell them which channel(s) and describe what you’re talking about - something about a segmenter lock on the timer or something like that.

Also note that if you have a lock on the timer, for any new video additions, the sub editor is automatically locked as well - so you don’t have translators jumping in when segments are in progress. The editor automatically unlocks after some number of hours/days (I forget how many), or you can unlock it yourself via the “more” menu in the segment timer before then.


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