Did I just miss the 720p after i get the QC badge?

I tried to get the QC badge because my mom wants to watch HD. But viki pass is not for sale in Indonesia yet. Anyway, I started to look for ones with 720p but I can’t find some. Please suggest me some dramas. If I am not wrong, I got the 720p for the Love, Now and Love Around. But it is gone. Did I remember it wrongly?

Doodlebaa, kalo udah dapet QC, harusnya bisa nonton HD…
coba hubungi Help Centre via link http://support.viki.com/hc/en-us/requests/ticket_forms/new

Regarding drama, there’s 1 new: http://www.viki.com/tv/21675c-love-family

Or not that new: http://www.viki.com/tv/20714c-secret (this is its last week!)


Your mum is sure 1 lucky mother to have a son like you! :slight_smile:

I know right…Getting a a QC badge for Mom!! How awesome is that!!! Hopefully Viki help centre can give @Doodlebaa a quick response. I sent mine (not related to your issue, though… and somehow it’s already more than 2 weeks now. Still, no response).

PM salah satu staffnya aja kalo udah lama gitu, kasih tau no ID requestnya juga biar mereka cepet nyarinya. Gue kemaren PM staff, karena udah semingguan request gue ga ada kabar, Dalam setengah jam, langsung beres…
Btw yee… OT nih. udah cape2 segged 5cm, filmnya diblok ama youtube boooooo!!! Dasar youtube!!!

Huahahahahha…Maleesss…A bit lazy to get back with it, something related to help an abandon channel as I do not get any response both from CM and Mod (as they may inactive as well).
Regarding 5 cm. Iyaaaa…lol, cape deh…

Thanks untuk komentarnya… Hahaha. Ntar gw contact deh Viki staff.

Gw awalnya kesel sih, ud dapet badge dan pass tp ga jalan, padahal ud janjiin my mom. ( T_T )
Malu deh. Gw janji selalu gw tepatin. Hopefully Viki Staff bisa bantu gw.

Susah-susah cari duit, my mom ga suka dibeliin barang, gw kan bingung lho mesti ngapain.
Mintanya dimasakin, dipijetin, ditemenin nonton TV, dianterin belanja.
Ya TV gw tuker yang gede, sambung ke internet 30Mbps.

PM Mariko deh coba. Orangnya baek n cepet tanggap. Ini palingan bug doang kali… Ohya, setelah terima badge, lu udah log out n login lagi kan? Kudu itu biar working vikipassnya di lu…
Wah nyokap lu simple, asik tuh :wink:

Nyawww~~~~~ Hahahahahaha! happy banget!!!

@auroratasya IT WORKS!!! Bisa nonton!

Thanks banget. Gw yakin my mom bakal happy banget!

Congrats!!! Enjoy the unlimited access!!!