Disponível hoje, available today

Olá pessoal!

Em alguns episódios de Good Times embaixo está escrito “disponível hoje” e o episódio não abre, o que pode estar acontecendo?
Já enviei várias solicitações na central de ajuda, mas até agora não me responderam.

Hello guys!

In some episodes of Good Times below it says “available today” and the episode doesn’t open, what could be happening?
I have already submitted several requests to the help center, but so far they have not responded to me

I just took a look and it’s very strange: some random episodes say “available today”, not even the newer episodes. So something must be wrong and it’s good that you sent a request. I wouldn’t send any more requests if I were you, one would have been enough.

Viki’s office hours are Monday till Friday, 9 till 5 or so, Singapore time. So it will take a few more hours for them to read it, and of course there are probably other requests as well that they have to answer. So just be patient, it will get solved.


Lately there are many ‘‘bugs’’ going on at this site. Especially during the weekends .I never bother watching dramas here at this site during the weekends bc they never play properly (if you have to do subtitles during the weekend it’s a nightmare!). The constant buffering drives me crazy and is my opinion that the HELP CENTER no longer exist/is available at this site.

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I’ve been sending requests in the help center for a week and still haven’t got any answers.

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