Disqus, using it outside Viki

Now that’s odd. How can followers outside Viki even know the existence of your Disqus account ?
I guess you’re stuck with your “bunch of stalkers” XD !

I have no idea…

Because Disqus is on a bunch of other sites where you contribute. It’s a cross-site service.

@dudie I believe anything you post on disqus here on Viki is actually a public content I believe searchable on the net.
I think I saw once my comment displayed on google while searching for something… people do follow me and I have no idea where they click to follow someone.

Once when I used my android tablet, imagine disqus wrote to my gmail associated with my tablet not viki to validate my email but my gmail isn’t connected to viki, so 1) how they got my gmail address?? 2) why would I need to validate when I don’t have a Disqus account, I only use the disqus on Viki. Upon writing to help center I was told Viki could not do anything about it since it’s a 3rd party… I’d have to write to disqus directly, but I can’t stand them!

But there is some type of privacy breach how did they knew my gmail address, perhaps I should write to google but I don’t want to open a can of worms… just saying, there is not much of privacy these days, it’s all under table deals and info selling!!!