Do you cook?

It’s pretty easy, some of Viki fans here, have posted they’ve done it at home. See these versions by 가나댁과 U모임 - Ghanadak Glad. She says the ingredients in English, as you’re watching. She clearly displays the ingredients, but her channel is mostly in Korean. You can recognize what she uses, just by watching.

  • Scallion Kimchi:
  • Cucumber Kimch:
  • Chives Kimchi:

oh my goodness!! another try at something new!


I don’t like to eat sweets

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I love these two types of kimchi. Daikons, too. Haven’t tried that chives kimchi yet.
Also love korean fish cakes and rice cakes of all kinds. YUM!


:grinning: You, and me both! I never get tired of dukbukki.

It’s safe to say, visiting S. Korea, :rofl: is a must, on the bucket list. :bucket::spiral_notepad:


I’d love to get some recipes for Asian meals. I just discovered how small those bowls are that served. wow Americans need a lesson on how much to eat! found on YT, the measurements are something else!! 80% consumption then stop?

but some of those recipes I’d like to try, fried rice is just one, and they have rice at each meal. instead of bread. those young people, the guy cooks and his wife tastes. thats one I watch, I haven’t seen that lady chef, aw forgot her name, but she is good too.


I did that for a while, but I realized they don’t eat as healthy as people think they are eating. They love extremely spicy food, and use products with serious High sodium content. Even if you buy Low sodium soy sauce it taste like you are eating pure salt. My High blood pressure even with my usual meds went sky high so I stopped making them. I started to develop very bad stomach pains and had to use pepto bismol so I knew it wasn’t for me at all. On a rare occasion (once in a while) I buy dumplings from SK, but instead of using soy sauce I add some fried garlic pieces I do myself which adds taste to them. If you buy the Chinese fried garlic it has tons of salt too so I don’t recommend those either.

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Thank you angelight313_941, the salt intake hmmm, didn’t think about that one, so I guess I ought to watch out about diabetes too, sugar intake??? and I thought they ate healthy!

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IF you want to see how unhealthy their food can be; watch their Documetaries on the food they make in Restaurant/ Stree stalls etc… Some of them leave the egg raw in sandwiches that can k ill them bc consumming raw eggs can give you salmonella. They also don’t cook their meat throughly and eat it practically raw (especially pork) that can even k ill them! When I use to order in Korean places I always told them it has to be well done, and they took longer periods of time to cook it .Well, I eat all my meat well done bc if I see any blood it goes back and, I order something else.

What food is Salmonella found in?
Outbreaks of Salmonellosis
salmonellosis have been associated with meat products, poultry products, raw or undercooked eggs and dough, dairy products etc…

How contagious is Salmonella?

Salmonella: Outbreaks, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Is salmonella contagious? Yes, salmonella is contagious — you can get a Salmonella infection from another person or even your pet. If you don’t wash your hands after going to the bathroom or while you are sick, you can contaminate surfaces and foods and spread Salmonella to other people.

You can die from salmonella if it spreads to other areas of your body or causes sepsis, but it’s extremely unlikely** . Out of millions of Salmonella infections in the U.S. each year, only 420 people die from it

In my opinion 1 death is more than enough for me… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


oh my goodness! raw egg whites? salmonella? yuck!!

oh I know about the deaths, years ago there was an outbreak of that. again thanks angelight313_941!!

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oh my goodness!! another try at something new!

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It’s funny because their side dishes are healthy grown Green veggies, but they k i l l the vitamin content by adding high sodium and a lot of sugar too (in top of that they add cornstarch and a corn syrup too). The MSG for example I get terrible headache from consuming it, but according to what I read that scientifically it hasn’t been proven it causes headache. The Asian food is very spicy and research studies proved that the spiciness cause the lining of the stomach to deteriorate and in some cases is the main cause of risk of stomach cancer.

Goggle search…
Does South Korea have a high rate of stomach cancer?

South Korea has the highest stomach cancer rate worldwide* (about 10 times of the incidence in U.S. whites), followed by Japan (6). Although the incidence in Japan has decreased substantially in recent decades (5, 7), the incidence in South Korea has decreased little (8, 9).

PS. I don’t understand why they haven’t done more research studies on the cause of this, and find ways to prevent this horrible disease.

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wow since November?? I’d like to get this one started back, recipes and all!
i hope you bakers will like this one.

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I learnt this difference, the eggs at room temperature. Usually eggs in US are sold in the refrigerated shelves, I believe they are also washed, because of that, you cannot keep them outside of the fridge because the protective layer has been damaged or something like that.
Here in Switzerland and most likely all over Europe, eggs are sold in regular shelves, therefore they don’t need a refrigeration.


Yes, eggs in Germany are stored by room temperature, they won’t come pre-washed. You only keep them in the fridge, if you need them raw for Mousse au Chocolat or whipped egg whites.

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see? was good info there, question, how long is the shelf life, do they spoil and do thewy stamp the dates on them

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Each egg gets a producer code stamp with numbers for husbandy system (organic, barn or free range), country and state of origin, producer and stable number. Each packaging contains the MDD and the laying date. Eggs without refrigeration should be sold within 21 days.


holy cow 2016?

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wow so much to go into(onto) an egg!

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Wow, I didn’t know that the cold temp makes a difference, but I’ve never done Mousse au chocolat, that tasty dessert is probably gone fast :yum: :yum:

Currently producers have noticed a greater demand for eggs, they assume that it’s because of the rise of food prices and eggs aren’t that expensive but are nutritious and contain protein. - The Omega 3 I have never seen in Switzerland but in US.

And at last the question: What was first, the egg or chicken :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: