Doctor Stranger

Sorry, I deleted by mistake the previous message.
This is my impression about Doctor Stranger.

I cannot highly recommend this drama, it’s worth watching only for the actors who were very good, but the plot had alot of flaws. You can watch the first six episodes and skip to the last two :smile:


Just for next time you can bring that post back they get deleted after 24 hours ^^

LOL there is sth like that I need to save this pic haha

Okay no I won’t watch it… even tho I love lee jong suk I can’t do that

Thank you :slight_smile:

you are welcome. From now one, when someone ask about a drama, I’ll only put a diagram :smile:
Talking serious now, you could give a try and watch the first two episodes. It’s like a movie, a lot happens.

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I’m agree with your @inna_r diagram! lol To me is a russian roulette you may like it, you may hate it, or just blah so if you have 20 hours free watch it, the actors are great I just think the plot is just blahh


started off AMAZING! and coninued amazing… the towards the end started to fall. but then it didnt go the way i planned, the way it SEEMED it was going. i would suggest it so you can understand what we are talking about lol but i didnt like the end (could be a happy or sad one, depending on who your going for).some people LOVED the ending (those crazy nuts :P) and some ppl hated it. it all depends on who your shipping really. hmmm. i would be curious to know who you would ship… (why do i have a feeling you would ship… ahh never mind. hehe) and what would be your opinion on this drama. x) thats the only reason why i wish for you to watch it,to get your opinion, because it did start out very good and had its good times, just wish the end was what we wanted :confused: thats all. i mean, IS IT TOO HARD TO ASK, DRAMA PEOPLE? lolololol :crying_cat_face:


If I got it right there is a girl who looks exactly like his first love from north korea right ?
I never ship the first love stuff verrryyy rare haha I already liked your ship before watching because you all described it so… no idea haha :smiley:

LOL no thank you I will spend the time on other great dramas :smiley: :smiley:

yay! ^ ^ then we might’ve had the same mind about it then. i have had this feeling that you would ship him with his first love, but then now you say this:

so yay! LOL xD

yes, its his first love from north korea. i wouldnt spoil it, maybe you wont watch it anyways, but if you ever do, tell me because i would love to talk to you about it and get you opinions on what you thought about it x)

Maybe one day when I have nothing to watch… you know I missed a lot of dramas the past few months because of my studies : (

I would love to talk about it tho sigh

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yes, i know what you mean :frowning: im excited for this new one called “the mermiad” coming out! there’s so many i want to watch and so little time :confused: i hope i get to them all.



btw. i think you were right about fall in love with me. it’s dragging tooo much now O.O i cant. yet im still watching it… HELP! lol

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Lol that one still exists ?


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OMG girl I missed you

Our convos were the best

HAHA aweww me too! im glad your back! LOL our gifs xD i havent been having time to put them recently but im glad were bringing them back xD we are the best at this

missed ya friend!

i also miss talking about this guy :wink: :

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I knowwwwww wait for me till Monday because then i am free wuhuuuuuu

Lol so crazy haha

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i would be like this.

dont forget this lovely guy too x)

awaiting your return!

LOL. You guys are so cute.

I feel like all Taiwanese dramas are like that. They have too much music and too many episodes, even if the plot is good, so I have to be in a mood to watch those.

HAHAH thank ya xD

i agree! even just you dragged for me, as good as it was. taiwanese dramas are terrible in the dragging and stalling department. sorry to the fans. though, i still watch them sometimes, i mostly watch kdramas because of this. tho the only taiwanese drama that i felt never dragged as much and was very interesting PLUS had lots of kisses (you know that TW has less than kdramas sometimes and takes foreverrrr to do) was the drama “hi my sweetheart”. i will never get tired of that drama, and especially after episode 5. it was crazy good!

Ok I finished Doctor Stranger today and I don’t know whether I find it a good or a bad Kdrama. I liked the cast but I think the overall plot was lacking a lot. I keep thinking that when you look back at it there wasn’t really a lot happening that was really interesting, just surgery after surgery which looked so fake (not that I mind because I can’t handle to much blood and surgeries well and I was a segger so I had to watch them to be able to seg well) it was even annoying. And some sub plots where where mostly not well developed either.
Next to all that I’m a bit disappointed how they did the North Korea part. I did read quite a few books about that and I was hoping that they would give more of a realistic view but nope that didn’t happen either, now it kind of made no sense to me. But maybe for someone who didn’t read a lot about North Korea it was ok and maybe it’s even best to not be too realistic about it before someone gets really angry.

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