Drama Reccs: Dramas showing the growth of the main leads over a large span of time

I really love dramas that let you grow with the characters. Not talking about character development only… I’m looking for dramas that span a number of years, showing the characters go through special milestones in life. It shouldn’t be in flashbacks… you actually see the characters go through these stages of life(each stage should span a few eps at least)


Go Ahead ©

we see the main characters from elementary school to high school to their careers, romances and weddings

The Bond ©

main characters from pre-school age to school to high school to college to careers, weddings, kids, divorces, remarriages, right up to the death of the main siblings’ father

It Started With a Kiss - They Kiss Again (TW)

characters go from high school to college to weddings to careers (they would have continued, but the original mangaka passed away in an accident :sob:)

Any more reccs?

(Not available in Europe)

(Not on Viki)

(Not available in Europe)

(Not available in Europe)

(Not available in Europe)

(No longer on Viki) A bit Makjang-ish.

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As always, dramas might not be available in your region

Yumi’s Cells | Korea | Drama | Watch with English Subtitles & More :heavy_check_mark: (viki.com)
I’m going to add Yumi’s Cells to this list. I’ve read the Webtoon front to back so I know how long it takes her to find her ideal job, her ideal spouse, and her ideal self. We only got to watch season 1 here and I can’t wait for seasons 2 & 3. Yumi only gets better over time; her character has to find out who she really is and what makes her truly happy. (Newsflash! Her happiness does not rest solely on finding Mr. Right!) In this first season, we see a lot go wrong for Yumi but believe me when I say it’s not going to stay like that. The cells are a lot like real people; they govern Yumi’s thoughts and actions. I saw a lot of negative review that didn’t like the animation portion of the show, but I must ask: What did you expect then? To just not see the cells in action? Wouldn’t be much of a story. It’s realistic and dramatic and I appreciate the lengths the Webtoon creator went through to create the perfect little world that it Yumi’s brain.