Drama "Ti Amo Chocolate" with Vaness Wu Is RECRUITING TRANSLATORS

The drama “TI Amo Chocolate” starring Vaness Wu is recruiting for all positions:

  • Chinese to English translators.
  • Chinese to English Moderator and Editors.
  • Moderators of all Languages.
  • Segmenters. (Please that have some experience since proyect segmenter 101 is doing some of the segments there)
  • Editors.
  • English to all Languages Translators.
  • Cover Page designer.

This is a drama that is not new on Viki but our mission is to complete it, if you are interested let me know.

  • If you are interested please send me a PM or leave your message here.


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The only moderators that we are not recruiting is Spanish, if you want to sub in English to Spanish please contact luxxia or rumble95 thank you.

If you are interested in being a Portuguese subber please send a PM to WeirdAdult

For join the Polish team please send a PM to Kasika

I sent you a pm hope you get it

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Hi I’m interested in becoming a French Moderator.
Thank you ^^

Hi!! Could you please send me a PM? Thank you!

For joining the French team please contact Aurelia_faust

For join the Indonesian team please contact julievilla

Still need a German and Italian Moderator’s PM me if interested

For joining the Turkish Team please write to heavenmilitary

For subbers interested in the German Team please contact Marycat

I am still looking for french subbers and editors send me a PM.


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We need a Chinese-English editor if interested let me know.

Do you need an Italian subber? :slight_smile:

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I do! I’ll send you PM

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Do you still need a Chi-Eng editor or subber?

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Hi, I do!!! I will send you a PM

Hi, i would like to help with Spanish subs.

Hola, arluls! Tiempo sin verte!
Puedes escribirles a rumble95, o luxxia, puse el link directo para sus perfiles mas arribita, ellas son las moderadoras de español y te daran mas informacion.


Si exámenes finales y la familia tomaron todo mi tiempo.
Ya le mande un PM a rumble95 y ella me respondió que si.

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