Dear Irmar, I’m a Mod., Editor and Subtitler and even though my English written skills aren’t good my reading skills are so I Really dislike to see edited dramas with common grammar/spelling mistakes. When it happens, I tell my team to translate as if the sentence was correct. For native speakers, many things may make good sense but are not correct for us who were taught English as foreign language. ‘Aren’t I’ is used and acceptable but it’s still not gramatically correct and, also, it’s informal. So I as CM can ask, specially if I’m on a Period drama, to avoid the use of it and ask for a equivalent expression. Why should I leave it to the Chief Editor to decide? It’s my duty to do the best for the drama and help out stating my concerns/helping to improve the translation.
Also, reversed sentences are the right way to make questions. ‘You’re hungry?’ Is grammatically incorrect, ‘Are you hungry?’ is the right way of doing a question. My teachers would ‘kill us’ if we didn’t reverse sentences to make questions. An exception would be ‘You’re hungry, right?’ because the question word is ‘right’. But we see plenty of these non gramatical questions in dramas. The worst case is when we find them in Period ones - because it’s supposed Period dramas to have a more formal speech unless the character is uncultured. At least this is what I’ve been taught here since I started in 2018.
So I think the CM nor only can but Must butt in when it’s necessary. It’s his/her channel. His her responsibility. Besides, four eyes can see more than two. Nobody should feel like if the CM is stepping over but see him/her as an element of the team to help out and improve things.
I’m as CM, make covers, recruit everyone (seggers, Mods., ENG subbers, Editors), check for any English grammar or spelling error… What sin would I be committing? None, except that it’s too much work for me. But I believe that’s what the responsible of a channel should do: help and support fully the team + guarantee that subtitles are delivered at the best quality and speed possible. It’s Totally unacceptable for a drama to take months and months to be edited. All other languages viewers lose interest and the team too.
No drama is perfect, we don’t see all that is in need of correction, but at least we work as a team and can always rely on each other. And editing + delivering episodes to other dramas turns faster, believe me.
As for the help of a CM, for instance, between these two questions:
How much do you think I could sell my kidney for?
How much do you think I could get for my kidney?
Which one would you’d choose as more correct?
If you were CM and your Editors couldn’t come up with definitive a choice.