Awww…What a treat for the fans! @RoseB Thank you for this. This is great because once again it show them having fun and interacting with the audience. At first, it was like Minhyuk didn’t know what to do but then he just did his thing. I love it!
Hey everyone! Just out of curiosity, does anyone find it difficult to find the guys music/cds? It could be where I live but I find it difficult to find their music on itunes(could have to do with copyright). There are a few but it seems much of their earlier music is not on there? On other sites the CDs cost alot of money. Obviously, I want to support the guys but at those prices my music library will take a while. I just wanted to know if anyone else had this issue? Maybe it only goes for those who came on the scene later such as me. Thanks.
I bought their CDsd/DVDs on It’s a little bit expensive but I can suppert them like this
I bought their music on iTunes only. They had a lot of EPs/albums there, such as Can’t Stop, Ear Fun (my favorite!), Re:Blue and Bluetory, but I think no Japanese releases. Maybe that’s what you’re missing?
I read somewhere that they are performing today, Dec 20th somewhere. I think FT Island is performing too. Anyone on here going? I think it will be in Japan.
Yeah, it’s FNC’s concert with : Ft Island, Cn Blue, AOA, N Flying, Juniel. They made two concerts the last year…Always in Japan >_<. (yeah I’m totaly jealous )
Yes I’m going to the concert. It’s gonna be fun !
A picture of the Lucky boys, Song Ji Hyo is joining them for the show, that’s what I call a lucky girl !
do you have a link plss ?
@CNBlandine Sorry, I just saw it somewhere and I have no idea what site I was on.
@Kurama Oh, I love those posters. Is that Yonghwa on the end or beginning. Wow, this looks like it will be a big deal! Yes, I am jealous too. Again, I want another World Tour in 2015.
@RoseB Wow, let us know how it is and have a great time!
No, it’s Ft Island in first : Jonghun, Hongki, Jaejin, Minhwan, Seunghyun ; Cn Blue : Yonghwa, Jonghyun, Minhyuk, Jungshin ; Juniel ; AOA.
2014 SBS Gayo Daejun
Performance of Yonghwa :
Performance of Cn Blue :
And Cn Blue won : The Best Band !
@Kurama Thank you for these clips. I am so happy for the guys that they won! They really have been doing some unbelievable stuff this year and last year. They have worked so hard too! I love that first clip. OMG, the fans are so close, that would not happen where I live because the fans would not be able to contain themselves sitting that close to the band. Seeing Yonghwa’s surprised reaction was too cute. Great performance of Can’t Stop.
Just watched the first episode of Marry Him if You Dare. So far so good, I like YEH as an actress too. Yonghwa in a suit! Almost too much but in a good way! I was fangirling on the inside when he first popped up on screen. Anyway, just had to share. Hope everyone is having a good day.
@supernatural10_573 Yeah to be honnest I really like Yonghwa in this drama but not for his acting. I didn’t like this drama, the story was a big mess. But in Three Musketeers, he was really good.
They’re cute
They were cute in Running Man too.
I really love Yuna of AOA and I would like to see her duo with Lee Jonghyun (my favourite ) !
omg! so your profile pic worked! LOL to it because i had that same profile pic when i was here in the beginning. i realllllyyy loved marry him if you dare. yonghwa + lee dong gun + yoon eun hye what else good could happen?! it was getting sooo good i was addicted. but because of the ending it had, it ruined the whole thing for me. but you will see for yourself ^ ^ no spoiling here ^ ^
overall the plot and cast were excellent. but it was marry him if you dare became one of the worst dramas ever.but i think yonghwa’s acting was so good there too, but that’s just me. YESSS i fangirled sooo much in that drama on his parts. ,KIRGHDEGRKYERKUGKJ i feel like just rewatching the beginning for him lol.
him. in that suit. that is all. life is complete. lol
@b2utybubbles Its a good pic! Didn’t realize it was the same one. Yeah, it finally worked thanks for your help. I have heard to beware of the end but I am just going to try to bask in Yonghwa and YEH.
Is anyone getting Yonghwa’s new single ‘Star’ ? If I can figure out how to, I will.
it really is a good one. anything with yonghwa is a good one
no prob ^ ^ and yes, even tho the ending sucked i hope you can enjoy the good that it DID have at the most of the story, and admire that you still watched it even tho many ppl said it sucked. i do the same thing sometimes, just to see what good i could enjoy, even if i can only enjoy the beginning (like i did with fall in love with me).
i really hope yong and YEH have another drama together, cuz i really want them paired again! they made a great couple.
its called “star”?! omg im getting excited. did it already come out?
Sorry, I had the title wrong it is “Star, You.” Soompi had some info about it here: @kurama1 has a vid up above of the performance. I thought that was such a wonderful performance of it and the idea that it all goes to a charitable cause is pretty nice too.
If the article is correct, it would have come out today, although I have not seen anything else on it.