[for HELP] want to know Chinese-English subbers~

:笑脸:Hi everyone! I’m CC from China. Now I am a post-gruaduate student majoring in English translation in China. Because my thesis topic is about Chinese costume drama subtitle translating, I want to know how overseas volunteers translate our Chinese drama subtitles and when they face lines which are difficult to understand, how they try to solve problems. I also want to know how audience think of this translation.

I hope to know some of you who are Chinese-English subbers or Chinese drama fans and can provide me with your ideas about Chinese dramas. That’s very kind of you!!! Thanks a lot! When someday you need help, I will try my best to help you.

You can contact me on this forum. You can also send me an e-mail by 944245277@qq.com or chenchunpku@163.com


I love that my friends (who subtitle chinese drama) are willing to consider suggestions I make in translation. I think the layers of editing really does make a huge difference because the English comes out very clean.

I learn a lot from the author notes. It even helps me understand sinocisms in the language I translate from (Korean). Overall I enjoy Chinese drama because they are different from Korean drama. Their quality has also improved so much the last few years.

For example I really loved When A Snail Falls in Love. My first taste of chinese drama was the classic Legend of Zhen Huan 76 episode version. If course I skipped around.

That’s very kind of you to reply to me!!! I wonder whether you are a subtitle translator or a Chinese drama fan. I recommend you to see Chinese Paladin 1.:blush: It is very touching!!! Can I have a chat with you?

I was hoping you weren’t feeling too discouraged. I am both. I subtitle korean drama and I became active on viki because of Chinese historical drama! Chinese Paladin 1 isn’t finished though.

Yes sure. Do you have kakaotalk or a gmail account? ( I erased wechat and qq is too hard for me since I cannot read or speak Chinese sorry).

Wow. So happy!!! My gmail address is ccpku2016@gmail.com. So happy to know you~ :slight_smile:

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My major is Chinese language and I like to watch Chinese drama´s, but I haven´t seen many yet. Recently, I saw Rookie Agent Rouge and Love Me If You Dare. For costume drama´s, I only watched ´Scarlet Heart´, but I didn´t finish it, because I don´t really like it if voices are dubbed.

At the moment, I am the only Dutch translator for a Taiwanese drama. Sometimes a few segments don´t have English sub, but then I just search in google: 真爱趁现在 to look for the episodes with Chinese subs which I then translate into Dutch.

I hope this is helpful for you.

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You have friends who subtitle Chinese dramas? Can you send some my way? I need Chinese translators/editors!

Yes~ I worked with them on Korean drama or I would watch and give English suggestions on cdrama. I am not sure how active they are because I don’t know too many. One of which is amypun!!! Two of them are the only subber and editor for series that need a lot of help.

And there is always a pile of cdrama work that needs to be done. You should ask serenite78, head of GTWS to ask if any of her subbers are free-ish/willing to help you.

Oh who would dare ask amypun for a thing like that, when she’s segmenting every single drama that comes out?
I may ask Seren, she was my last sensei and I love her.

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