Could you consider the possibility of releasing four episodes of “Friendly Rivalry” weekly on Viki, rather than the current two? It may be beneficial to discuss this matter with the production or distribution company again. My suggestion stems from the fact that each episode is only 30 minutes in length. The current release schedule does not effectively sustain the excitement and hype surrounding the drama or leverage its significant popularity on social media properly.
I don’t work on the show so I don’t know the details. In general, before any episode is released, there is quite some work involved. Segmenting, translating, editing. Only after that, the episode can be released for viewing as well as translating into other languages than English/presub. Since there is a shortage of translation editors (from what I’ve heard), maybe that is the reason why they only are able to release only 2 episodes a week.
I think it was a question directly to Viki. The show has 2 episodes per week aired. There is nothing the volunteers can do about that.
Viki themselves can’t probably do much about it either, since they have to consider the contractual agreements.
I have new information from support regarding the release schedule of this show:
"The reason why Friendly Rivalry does not have all episodes available yet and only releases two episodes per week is that it is an On-Air show. The release schedule on Viki is determined by the content owners and our licensing agreements with them.
On-air means that the content is a newly released show, and individual episodes will become available on Viki only after they have been aired and released in South Korea.
The episode thumbnail will display the countdown to the number of days in which the episode will be released on Viki."
Since the drama originally aired and already finished on “U+ Mobile TV” (a mobile app in Korea) a new licensing deal for OTT platforms was apparently reached that prevents Viki from releasing all episodes at once and treats this drama as “on air”. This is really unfortunate!
Why? Just be glad Viki has it!
That was beside the point. Of course I’m glad Viki has it but in its initial run it also released 4 episodes per week since they are only 30 minutes each.